Racism Continued

Itl think the perspective of anyone saying we don’t need it is pretty transparent.

Yeah it was only today that i saw a lot of posts. Her coach saying she was “in a dark place” after reading comments about her online.

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I only heard it on OTB this afternoon,but looking back at her interviews you could sense she was a bit off.We know why now

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Fucking hell that is depressing.

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He was only a half caste, sure we love them as long as they have an Irish first name

And a load of them on TFK.


That’s the equivalent of saying Facebook was set up so communism could spread. Which would be a ridiculous thing to say.

Most people on the right just want the right to free speech upheld, sensible controlled immigration, strong law and order, and other such common sense approaches to running the country. Of course there are fascists on the far right, but they make up a very small minority of people on the right. They just happen to make the most noise. Anyone who racially abuses someone is a scumbag.


Derek Blighe got 25k votes. Niall Boylan came close to election. Bacon & Cabbage head Mullooly got elected and is a fellow traveller of these scrotes. In Dublin Malachy Steenson, Patrick Quinlan and Cuntyballs Pepper all won council seats. Racism is alive and well in Ireland and while the abuse Adeleke is getting is depressing it’s hardly surprising.


Any way to send her this from us all @ TFK?


It’s alive and well on this forum too.


From spectacular cunts like @ChocolateMice @Thomas_Brady @Kyle @StoneCold and his dozen other worthless fucking alts.

No it isn’t the equivalent.

And yes it would be a ridiculous thing to say Facebook was set up to spread communism. Because it’s obviously not true.

Whereas that Musk bought Twitter to spread fascism is a simple statement of the bleedin’ obvious.

You equate fantasy with fact. This is one of the key tactics of fascism. It’s also one of the key mistakes of so called “respectable” conservatism. It always has been.

This was probably the worst i had seen on twitter. Imagine being that pathetic to create an account specifically to abuse a young irish athlete.


That’s pathetic stuff.


The fact its left there is also pathetic.



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For fuck’s sake.

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Far right and far left probably make up less than 10% of the population but make the most noise, the other 90% are busy making a living and keeping the country going and haven’t time for all the shit thats going on


A ‘bastard son of a sailor’ as a bogman of a boss I had years ago described him.
He actually said it in relation to the debate about foreign sports being played in Croker. ‘surely you’d have no objection to the likes of Paul McGrath playing there mick?’. That bastard son of a sailor was Mick’s response. Outward racism like that was and still is rare I suppose. It’s twitter is the game changer

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You’re confusing ‘free speech’ with ‘fascism’. Piers Morgan would be a proponent of the former, nobody would label him a proponent of the latter.
That fascists take advantage of free speech, is not the fault of Musk.

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