Racism Continued

He probably done a lovely rendition of “Sonny’s Dream”

People get a kick out of being edgy/cuntish on the internet, it’s bizarre but it happens here all the time, slightly more measured but it is what it is :man_shrugging:

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Ah here.


I’m not confusing anything, whereas you deliberately are, again, another hallmark of fascism.

Dishonesty about your real aims is a classic fascist tactic.

The INTERNET is uniquely suited to the advancement of fascism because it works on the basis of engagement, which is the basis of “the market”. That the worth of an opinion or a piece of “information” can only be measured by how much engagement it generates, by how much it sells.

Hateful, incendiary opinions generate engagement, they sell. Lies generate engagement, they sell. That means the INTERNET is responsible for hate speech and lies setting the agenda of public discourse on basically every topic worldwide.

Fascism works on mob principles, on threats and intimidation. The INTERNET is uniquely suited to generating fascist mobs that threaten and intimidate decent people.

Anybody claiming that the right-wing so called “free speech” crusade is anything other than a transparent sham, a fake, is an obvious troll.

Elon Musk has made “likes” private so the worst, most hateful posts can be boosted anonymously. No other reason.

Yeah I would have said it was best ignored and like Massey says it’s a tiny percentage of people. When you hear it’s having a genuine effect on a person like Adeleke though it is very sickening.

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It’s only when somebody as beloved as Adeleke is the target that the straight white men who have entertained this anti-woke nonsense sit up and take notice.

But the abuse of Adeleke is exactly what anti-woke is. It’s the very definition of it. Every bit of anti-woke nonsense is part of the same phenomenon. Its victims just aren’t as high profile. But they’re just as real.


Even the mildest anti woke thing is the same as this? That’s a fairly ridiculous comment. So some fella who thinks every child at sports day shouldn’t get a medal is the equivalent of an aggressive racist


I’ve just posted it on Facebook. :+1:


The most anti woke people I know would never have gotten a medal at sports day, useless cunts generally,

But they’d be quick with the ‘I never got a participation medal and I turned out alright’

What’s wrong with giving out a few oul medals, the competitive kids know who won and who didn’t


Self-styled “anti-woke” nonsense is all part of the same spectrum of which the worst abuse and bigotry is the utterly indispensable element.

Have a look at that “End Wokeness” Twitter account. It’s aim is to generate a spectrum of bigoted anger that inevitably leads up to the most vicious racism and fascism.

The anti-woke agenda’s real aim is fascism. The agenda is all encompassing. The evidence is all around us in the world.

It attempts to hide that aim by concocting a fantasy that “woke” is an all encompassing bogeyman akin to how Hitler portrayed the Jews.

The cult of anti-woke falsely ascribes its own malign motives onto everything it hates, which is anything that isn’t fascist. It projects.

This stuff is really basic and anybody who refuses to understand it bears some degree of responsibility for its very worst outcomes.

Nonsense. Everything is black and white with you. The world doesn’t work like that. There are large shades of grey that you choose to conveniently ignore. “Anti-woke” does not equate to “racist”.

You’re saying someone who believes a man cannot become a woman, is automatically racist. Jesus wept.


The pipeline from anti-trans to full blown fascist is a very well worn one. Few who enter it escape travelling the full length of it.

It’s all part of the same spectrum. Anti-trans is a very common gateway drug that hooks people on harder stuff. This happens because fascists will always support the anti-woke in their opinions, whatever part of the anti-woke spectrum they are on. And the anti-woke person’s ego cannot accept backing down, and they turn to the people that will back up their simplistic, bigoted takes.

JK Rowling is demonstrating that currently.

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There’s nothing wrong with it it was an example of anti woke :smiley:

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I don’t know anything about JK Rowling but it does indeed appear to be a slippery slope

I think some people are so feeble minded that they’re sucked into the groupthink by a few likes on the internet which swells as they change their following, TFK is right of centre in general I’d say but it’s a small club and you’d notice the slope with some lads, we have a few who are far gone and always have been.

I’m thinking Paul Treyvaud as a poster child with Gemma, John Waters and Aisling O’Loughlin as the end of the line, all previously normal enough skins


Ego and wanting to be supported by others is a huge part of it. The slippery slope of anti-woke is one that slopes towards a whole belief system of conspiracy fantasy.

You don’t get many people who think climate change is a hoax who have liberal views towards trans people, or vice versa.

You don’t get many people who believe Covid was a hoax or that the Covid vaccines are evil who are anti-racist, or vice versa.

All these beliefs tend to come as a package. The INTERNET promotes these batshit beliefs as a package. In real life politics these beliefs always come as a package.

You don’t get many people who are truly able to think for themselves. Some of those most unable to think for themselves are those who are most insistent on branding themselves as “free thinkers”.

I thought there’d be loads more

I also think the notion that it’s MANLY to be anti woke is a big draw

Fellas on the internet love to be MANLY

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If you don’t agree with everything @Cheasty and his mate’s say your a far right bigot.And that’s it,there’s no in-between

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Harry Potter was in the SS apparently :smiley:

They tend to be those most insecure about their manliness, ie. those that display the stereotypical characteristics they most claim to rail against.

The anti-woke are the very thing they claim to hate. They are insecure, fearful, paranoid, weak, self-pitying. To use their own bullshit barbs which reek of sexual inadequacy, they are the very betas and cucks and soy boys they deride, and those they deride are not.

They are petrified of difference.

What sort of sad loser obsesses about trans people or people’s skin colour? These fuckers need to get out from under the bed.