Racism Continued

Did you cog that comment off the comment section of Matt Le Tissier’s Twitter?

No but it’s a fact,there’s no in-between with you.Its pick a team and that’s that.If your not fully with me it’s against me attitude,a bit like GWB.The ironing eh

Never Mind Homer GIF by MOODMAN

You’ve offered no argument against my views other than that you don’t like them. I suspect they touch a raw nerve and your ego is rightly bruised because you know my points are correct.

When people feel like that they try and drag a discussion down into the mire rather than rebut the actual argument.

I see this a lot with supporters of Israel who can’t argue on actual substantive points and also with supporters of Russia.

Elon Levy and Melanie Phillips and @glenshane and Clare Daly all speak the same language of riddles and distortion.

The facts stand that’s there’s no in-between with you,your either all in with @Cheasty or your anti woke etc etc.George W Bush used to give the same speech.

“Your either with us or against us”

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You haven’t argued with any of my points, you’re just blustering. There is a fundamental divide by the way between people who think others should not be discriminated against on the basis of skin colour, sex, gender, sexuality, religion etc. and those who don’t. It’s a fundamental difference of decency.

There is a fundamental difference between people who can think and people who refuse to think, who form their worldview on slogans and mindless anger. The fault line is in pretty much the exact same position as the fault line between decent people and non-decent people.

The likes of JK Rowling, Graham Linehan etc. are not decent people. They’re walking Milgram experiments who have decided to use their platforms to kick down on those less powerful than them, why, purely because they can.

Sure who’s arguing against that, that’s just common sense

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Anti-woke disputes this.

antiwoke != racism

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By definition actually, yes.

From our pals at Wikipedia:
“Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination”

So anti-woke suggests people wouldn’t have an issue with racial prejudice and/or discrimination


I had a post about how disinformation works before but you touched on it there, it’s a slippery slope.

It preys on people that are a bit disaffected. It draws people in and makes them think they have an inside line, everyone else is wrong or a sheep that believes the mainstream media, it makes them feel smarter and superior. A good example is @glenshane’s posting on Russia, or most things.

Once you buy into this stuff to any degree at all it is very hard to reverse out. You’ve gained a feeling of superiority and realising you’re wrong would require realising and admitting you were duped, the opposite of the sense the person is looking for. Part of buying into involves believing lies, once that’s bought it’s hard to reason out of it either, because the belief is the other “side” is lying. The only way to go with it then is deeper. It’s why the freethinked lads will all have the same full bingo cards of beliefs.


Good man @KinvarasPassion, on the ball as usual.

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If you say that in polite company you’d be absolutely pilloried.

Thats a clamping

Polite company doesn’t get irony??

Sure what harm


Covid was the big one on TFK, it’s the only real platform I follow (I read a bit on twitter but it’s way too big for me to closely follow trends)
It was a short leap from posting ‘I hope Houlihan dies screaming’ for 12 likes to cheerleading lads roaring in the faces of mothers and children fleeing persecution for a box room in Ballymagash

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I would’ve thought it’s fairly fucking obvious that Choco is wumming some of the extreme left headbangers on here and pulling the piss out of them. As all extemists deserve, left or right.