Racism Continued

We’re a bit behind the Brits in the oil racism stakes, they went through similar with the first black players to be capped.

Ian and Les are nice English names

His audience is these cunts

To be honest tho, its absolutely only because she is black. Sophie Beckers dad is German, but no one gives a shit because she is white. No one would question her irishness. But yet anyone being black, for some, means they will never be considered irish. We had this discussion on here before where one poster argued this point that even though one parent might be irish, the child would not be ethnically irish because the father was black. Its entirely of a racist mindset that this issue with Adeleke is coming up and those trying to pretend they are not racist and pointing out facts are complete and utter racists


Who was that?

Sharlene Mawdsley is hardly “Irish” with that name.

Headbangers will disown the entire team.

Maddlsley is a common enough name in Newport.

I’d a grand uncle in Newport. A raving lunatic.

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I see Ewan mackenna is pivoting away from the far right and beginning to distance himself after spending a few years stoking them up.

I’d say ewan knows something very bad is going to happen in Ireland and doesn’t want to be associated with it.

It was all fun and games on twitter at the start.


Reinforces the point.

Newport rather than Tulach Sheasta.

His angle of redemption could be a tell all book about how Twitter rotted his brain and how he came back from the brink.

“I wanted likes. I wanted love. It was like drugs. The rush when I’d be validated by @DarkiesOut46734927489 and @Covidisahoax636738393 was like a hit of heroin.”

I’m from Newport and never heard of Mawdsley. Her mother’s family are all Donovans from Newport. Her father, afaik, is from Limerick?

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Batshit hateful, racist shite is apparently “top wumming” now. Just like the arsonists all over the country are “top wums”.

Choco is no wum. He’s a hateful toerag.

And gobshites like you are his enablers.

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When I was 8/9 my Dad often took me in his truck working during the summer that took us to different meat factories. There is a large Pakistani community now in Ballyhaunis which was just settling in at that time that grew up around the Halal factory there.
Long story short, I got to know a couple of the workers kids around my age and a little older. Dad said in passing one day ‘‘they are Irish’’, they are different religion customs but they were born in Mayo so they are Irish.
There was no big discussion on this. Just facts. Had my father thought or chose to tell me different I might have seen things in another way.


Johnny Arse seems to be turning too. Very much defnding Adeleke and her right to be called Irish

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He has been a major enabler of these racists and he has always known exactly what he is doing. He doesn’t get to do that for years and then wash your hands of it when it’s convenient for him.

Arse likes his racism to be coded and to target people who can’t fight back. These abusers threaten his market because they’re too overt and are abusing somebody who has the platform to fight back and who is a hero in this country. That’s all.


Give us an oul “joke” there again about Nevin Spence and his family, mate. That was great wumming.

So you’ve no argument. Cool.

Err…transgenerder issues in the main are mental health issues and fuck all to do with race

I was joking.

You might know my grand uncle. Jerry coffee. He died Jan 22.

Oh look, we have an expert here. Go on then, tell us all about your years of studying transgender issues, so.

Who said transgender issues were to do with race?

Why do you argue with stuff nobody said and continually bring up straw man points?

In other words, why is your debating technique so utterly shit?

I’d have known of him if he’s the fella I’m thinking of. A bachelor from Shower (most Coffeys in Newport are around Shower in fairness)?