Racism Continued

There are two genders.

He’d have lived in a bog anyway. Fond of the whiskey.

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OK so you won’t tell us about your years of studying gender issues, and you only want to spout know nothing anti-trans soundbytes like a Matt Le Tissier style zombie.

No debate is ever possible with reactionary INTERNET gobshites like you.

No study…just common sense.

It should be noted…fire is hot. No need to study that either.

Pity cop-on and common sense is gone.

You are a very angry man.

That’s funny given you spend your life wallowing in obsessive anger against things you haven’t the first clue about and people who have the cheek to look in any way different to you.

You what? You don’t know me from adam.

I merely said there are two genders and there are just the two. The hostility from yourself is worrying…you should consider having a liedown in a dark room.

I’m hostile to angry, bigoted, wilfully stupid morons who spend their lives whipping up hatred and anger against trans people while not making the slightest effort to inform themselves of anything to do with the issue, alright.

Everybody should be hostile to scumbags like you.

When the parnell attacks happpen he was tweeting about unvetted males

He picked His side


No point in arguing with you pal. I just like pointing out what a horrible fucking cunt you are when you try to get up on your big horse :grinning:

When were the other genders identified? How many are there? How do you determine which of the new genders someone is? Do other species have more than two genders? How do you know so much about everything? Have you a PhD in ‘knowing absolutely everything’? Are there are legitimate views other than your own or are you always right?

You great knowledge and insight would be very helpful here.

I’m not the person that’s claiming expertise here, you are.

That’s it.

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You were offended by this? :joy:

Christ you’re precious.

@Horsebox thinks @Kyle’s Johnny Arse style bigoted ramblings are a great laugh but reacts like this to a simple post containing factual news.

Absolutely bizarre stuff.

I’m saying there is just the two. As it had been for billions of years. So can you please answer the few questions there and help me understand?

You’ve done your own research. :joy:

Why research what has been an absolute fact and accepted fact? No research needed. Surely it would be down to those seeking to disprove the two gender fact to prove it is wrong? My view is this is primarily a mental health issue that is not being addressed.

It was a simple post alright, you’re right about that you horrible cunt.

Yes it was a simple, inoffensive, factual post which you made an utter fool of yourself over.
