Racism Continued

Boy, I dunno


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Tis a soft old evening lads. I was hoping to see a bit of sun when I finished work.

Literally all this thread is achieving is getting some FBI lad a heap of overtime

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If he can sort out the weather fair play to him. I’ll be happy.

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I came very close to lighting the fire

You’d nearly be included to alright.

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IRA hero @Rocko :

Stop going back years looking for posts to prove a point, use something recent.

Me : you called me a racist,back it up

IRA hero rocko: silence, tumbleweed, maybe out on manoeuvres.

A few posts from years ago,which he hates being dragged up, are dragged up by someone with more balls than him, and the pretend IRA operative is all to happy to jump on. But he ran away when asked himself.

Hard to figure him out,as said above, he’s seriously rattled. Years making excuses for Sid because Sid agreed with him and gave him a few likes and it blows up in his face. Shocked I’d say,how could Sid, they fought racism online together!

As for the utterly childish and brain-dead claim that racism is seeping from posts and that i didn’t join the moron chorus supporting BLM proving something. Laughable. But shutting down free speech,it took me a few days to expose his bluster about allowing free comment the last day,how long will it take now I wonder.

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It’s a line you can’t uncross. A fella that lights a fire in July has changed. There’s no going back. Toughen for another year


This year is fucked anyway kid

How did you get that from the videos posted? He looks to be resisting arrest.

Now whether he was stopped for an actual offence or not is the key question. Either way they got rough with him out of necessity it appears from both videos.

God you are a moron

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It’s a disgusting racist incident.

What went on?

It’s okay bro, your e-punches may leave a bruise but I’ll recover thankfully.

The wounds you received today will leave permanent scarring I’m afraid.

So what makes you question whether he was stopped for an actual offense?

I’ve exposed some serious hypocrisy today, a good days work all told.

I know Sid set up the Twitter account but I’m not sure he did the doxxing at all. That sneaky shit seems far more possible from people who hate free speech. Imagine the cowardice that’s involved in contacting jobs etc jaysus I’d never do that. But seeing if someone would stand up themselves in person for their smather and name calling. Well now that’s a different story.

@sidney is an innocent man.

Answer my question there

Ah no. I asked people to move on. You insisted on continuing to ask for proof of your racism because you had asked for this recently.

And then you whinged at the unfairness of it all when your racism was exposed.

You are a clown and a racist who has proven both in the space of a short miserable afternoon for you.

A clown, a racist and a whinge. What a winning combination!

What question?

Whether he was being arrested for a crime? Whether he was being arrested for nothing?

I can’t tell from the videos.

Pretty apparent he was resisting arrest & the two useless Gardaí were pretty poor at executing the manoeuvre too.

I never denied making those posts. Where did I

I presume you’ll be able to back that up, and not run away like you did earlier

Remember when you fancied yourself as some sort of left wing intellectual. When most thought all you were was a bit of a sad case accountant. I wonder who was right?