Racism Continued

a firm line needs to be taken here, we can’t have accusations of hypocrisy floating around

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And this comes in the wake of Boeing’s communications chief resigning over an article he wrote 30 years ago. The internet never forgets. cc. @Tassotti

This is all or nothing at this stage. We’re all in this together. We all need to use the same language so nobody gets offended, OK.

Tans and west brits have to go. I’ve been saying it for years

Your use of OK to end your sentence there is a microaggression, OK.

Damn it.

I think you’d have to be pretty fucked up to be trying to score points by reference to the murder of a little child. Complete lack of basic human empathy. What would any of your family think reading that? You should be ashamed of yourself. You’re not worry engaging with, you’re a miserable and pathetic little man.


CEO of a tech start up who hates Asians, this should be good :smiley:


Glad to answer this one for you.

You did imagine it. I didn’t dig up any quotes. That’s a real shame for you because it really undermines your point.

I don’t read every post on here. And I don’t liberally tolerate ever racial slur. You can find countless mentions over the years from me saying that the most important rule on TFK which is not up for negotiation is no racism.

It actually beggars belief that someone would expect that anyone would be allowed to use racial slurs whenever they want to. It says an awful lot about the character of the racists that they engage in whataboutery and semantics when confronted with very real racism. It’s contemptible.

And you are a scumbag who supports the thugs that murdered that little girl. Shame on you you privileged little shithead.

Faux outrage. You allowed racial and homophobic slurs for the past decade. Its come back to bite you in the ass and now you want to distance yourself from it. Which is understandable.

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I don’t think I’ll pay any attention to criticism of my anti racism credentials from the faux intellectual with racist beliefs who supports other racists on here.

Imagine for a second you were the type of person who was prepared to learn and improve themselves. You might modify your beliefs. You might condemn radical slurs. But you would rather attack TFK instead.

For a guy pleading to be let back on a few days ago it’s pathetic. And exposes your supposed considered worldview as a sham.


Man, you’ve got anger issues

I’ve been abused for my religious faith on here by bigots.


The attacks on your asexuality have been disgusting.


So personal attacks by glas are ok but I should refrain from personal attacks? Biased much?

I’ve seen posts where guys were having a pop at you for your Italian heritage. It was appalling.


I am biased. You’re a wanker. Glas isn’t.

I’ve seen Dolies on here mock him for his skills with a forklift, its as bad I’ve seen ever on the internet.

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I’m here a long time now and this has always been @Rocko number 1 rule, just ask @Bollox/@BALLOX_WILL_FIGHT_TO


Keep out of this Padjo. You’re too gentle a soul for these big tough men.