Racism Continued

Do you know what I find fucking fascinating.

The right wing clique are so wound up by glas they are asking @Rocko for more moderation of the site

He’s literally turned them upside down


How are your feelings Rocko? Are you going to be ok?

Thanks guys.

I will not be bowed by these bullies and their vicious remarks.

Italian, Catholic, Asexual - deal with it.


Nor should you. I’m going to stand up to them with you going forward. TFK should be a safe place for all of us.

He’s sharpened up considerably since he got his licence

I didn’t “beg” to be let back in, I went through the same sign up procedure as every other poster.

I condemn all racist slurs and you would have to search long and hard to find any used by me on this site. I have frequently condemned the racist attacks on travelers on this site, the racial blind spot for many Irish

I really don’t value lectures on modifying my worldview from someone who allowed the most toxic of personal attacks by a former poster for years, solely based on the fact he was one of the lads. That worked out well for you.


You’re entitled to your opinion. I think you’re a wanker as well but such is life.

Nobody is asking for more moderation. Just calling out hypocrisy.

Look, if you want to start your own website where you can shout your bullshit without getting challenged on it, or you aren’t happy with how this place is run. Fuck off and do it.

Or you can stay here and be stuck in your loop of calling posters Karen and then crying when they call you a racist.


I haven’t called anyone Karen.

You don’t get to tell anyone on here whether they can post or not, you sanctimonious wanker.

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Are you objecting to the cracker word as a racial slur?

Neither do you bud.

We could spend the day at this shit.




Granted, you’re posting history based on the two words I picked is almost impeccable.

Where and when did @gman ever make claims that he had never used slurs on here or that you would have to search long and hard to find any used by him on this site?

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Gman used racist and homophobic language in the past. The username @Gman needs to be cancelled. Are you an apologist for racism and homophobia?

Lads, it’s possible I may have posted some questionable things in my time

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the day is nearing when we’re going to have to load up the bus and ask @Fagan_ODowd to drive us all to Dunmore east for an ice cream and some sea air … Dream Team on tour…

Theres lads here 13 years… Of course everyone has said something they have now changed their views on… If you’re the same person you were 5 years ago nevermind 13 years ago then God help you…you need to open the curtains and throw out the wooden sock… Be mindful that when someone acts the cunt here it lands on @rocko’s door to clean it up…


as @Big_Dan_Campbell, I never claimed I had said nothing wrong on here. I thought the battle on here had changed to hypocrisy anyway and not racism?

with regards to those posts, I would apologise on the first one. I dont know the context of it but it is not language I would generally use and shouldnt have. I’d like to think I dont hold racist views nor judge an entire community over the actions of few.

The second one was something between myself and @mac when he was being sold a car that was after being cut in half until he did some digging into the retailers. Granted, shouldnt use the word.

The last was clearly taken out of context, choco made a homophobic slur against fran and I made a sarcastic response to him, hence the now missing smilie. It is anything but homophobic. But the word was still used, even though it now is being taken out of context as some sort of slight against me, just because I happen to hugely disagree with Labanes views on Colin Kaepernick and the manner in which he spoke about him.

I never claim to be whiter than white. I’m sure I’ve used incorrect language or a word on here, whether in jest or being discriminatory, but would like to think that I dont hold racist viewpoints, which is far more than using a word one off in over thousands of posts over 15 years.