Racism Continued

at least your public profile is not hidden like some other users

Can we not all agree that all the racists, hypocrites, Karen’s, virtue signallers, homophobes and anti semites here are just all a bunch of cunts and move on

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Your some prick

Stop now please FFS.

I don’t think you’ve anything to answer for.

There are plenty on here who have used poor language, and while many may not believe themselves to be racist, there is certainly a theme of intolerance and ignorance at best for a few regular posters. But you don’t fall into that category.

Then there is a whole other category of obvious racists who hold racist views. And they’re the ones screaming loudest to deflect from their exposure and they’re also those who seem to have the biggest problem with TFK.

As I’ve said before, I pay to run this site. That means it’s representative of me to some abstract degree. And I make no apologies for being intolerant of racist opinions and racist language.

If that makes the place inhospitable for some then the door is wide open for exits. If people want to stay and debate without being racist then that’s great. If they want argue in favour of racism (with or without using racial slurs) then they’re not welcome. And if they want to stay just to moan about TFK then they’re not welcome either.


@Gman doesn’t have anything to answer for. As I explained, his posting history is pretty much impeccable based on a quick search this morning at least. (@Gman, sorry for putting you out in having to respond to my post.)

As for the site being “representative” you to “some abstract degree”, are you being serious? It is entirely representative of you. You facilitated another poster for years calling other posters pedophiles, rapists, etc., and it would have been justifiable for someone to attempt to hold you liable under the law for mental anguish caused. You have also openly supported the IRA murders, which I find abhorrent.

The more I think about this, the more I realise I have very little in common with you or this site.

Good luck in your endeavours to find a more accommodating home. Shall I close your account for you?


Good luck and thanks. You won’t be missed


Burn this thread to the ground

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Reading over the past few days, I don’t want to contribute to this thread any more.

  • I have no problem debating with racists, some of the best posters in TFK history have been racists, but I have a big problem debating with humourless sanctimonious wankers.

  • The only posts on this thread in the past few days that have shown any humour whatsoever are me saying I just hate n-ggers, me again posting about that disgusting racist incident in Kildare, Fulvio complaining about the awful discrimination against him and Tassotti talking about culchies. That’s out of 100’s of posts and hours of reading.

  • I don’t know who anybody is trying to convince with their “I’m not a racist” shite. Spamming the fuck out of the thread is not “defending your reputation”. No-one gives a fuck about your reputation anyway. No-one even cares if you’re a racist, they just care that you’re a fucking boring, angry, unfunny cunt. And who is there even here to convince? Have they managed to convince anybody in all the years they’ve been here?

  • Maroonandwhite spams the fuck out of the thread for days with some joke remark from Glas to Choco Mouse, “Go back to your own country”. Maroonandwhite says “show me when I was racist”. Another poster says “when you called another poster’s wife a paid-for-gook.” Labane says “that was just typical language for this site. Show us where we’re racist”. Continues angry sanctimonious shit.

  • I share my own experiences of being a prejudiced individual and working to overcome that prejudice. I invite others to share similar experiences. I suggest we all might grow. No-one takes up this offer because all any of you cunts are interested is being a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, angry cunt.

  • No-one on this site ever refused to condemn the murder of that 8-year-old girl in America. That’s a complete invention. This is the latest thing to be spammed now.

  • The “I support blm the movement but you support BLM the organisation and you’re trying to destroy the nuclear family” is brand new and is Olympic levels of mental-gymnastics. How the fuck do you know that anyone here supports BLM the organisation as opposed to the movement? Not a single poster is a member of BLM the organisation, everyone just wastes their time on this board. (Having said that I do quite enjoy how little they give a fuck about anything, it reminds me of Bernadette Devlin). It’s not clear where blm the movement would have gotten to without BLM the organisation but there you go.

  • The BLM movement / organisation dichotomy has been invented because Labane thinks it gives him the best opportunity to be as angry and sanctimonious as possible. No other reason whatsoever.

  • I had a bit of an epiphany whenever the movement/organisation dichotomy was introduced and I realised I could go into it and take it down but I just didn’t have the desire to engage with this angry cunt, who would just invent some other bollocks anyway.

  • I got bored of engaging with Sid, but now there are 2 or 3 Sids on this thread.

  • The attacks on Rocko are very reminiscent of Gemma O’Doherty spending all her time on Twitter and then attacking Twitter.

  • Labane inventing the story about doxxing, going to the Feds, his wife, etc is the funniest and most pathetic thing that’s ever happened on TFK but now I’m bored with that too. MaroonandWhite saved some face when he said it might be made up.

  • It’s apparent that this thread is being used by people with big problems in their lives to transfer / project some of their problems onto others. I don’t want to be part of that.


There’s more to life than this, guys.


Sometimes a good sermon is all a fella needs.

It’s not even vitriolic. It’s just boring, I want some cutting and personal remarks when there’s a few hundred posts a day brewing.

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Children murdered by BLM organisation? Have I missed the charges & prosecution already, mate?

Are you claiming that whoever fired at that car and killed that child did it purposely? You say they took aim at the child in the back seat and aimed at her?

A child is dead, it’s a disaster for her family & society in general.

The more pertinent question is why are these protests occurring in the first place?
Is it because a man who choked to death on camera?
Is it because BLM denounced that Killing?
Is it that normal people of all races & ages protested?

Is your issue the fact that bad people have jumped aboard the BLM movement to further their own gains? Is that the fault of the BLM group?

Is it also fair to blame Trump for the death which sparked all this unrest? He is the leader of the Country. Why can’t he control the Cops?

So many questions…

That’s all grand tank, but if you’re setting yourself up to provide some sort of masterly objective overview, you might want to mention where the lad screaming racist at every turn was shown to have made racist comments himself, and had plenty of support for having done so.


We need more positivity here.

Everybody say a race that they are sexually attracted to.

The 400M hurdles.


Lads is it any harm to ask…who the fuck is Karen ?