Racism Continued

This one

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You were wrong in just one aspect, he wrote a message threatening anyone who dug up quotes with years ago would be considered to be spamming the board, but then was happy to use one when someone else dug one up. Yes it literally is as stupid as that sounds.

My calling TSG non asian wife a gook was part of a fued years running, me saying things about trannies was back when humorous comments would have been welcome here,now they only are by the right kind of poster. I took huge issue with this

So some movements are above criticism no matter what they do? Meanwhile other issues can’t be examined on merit,they have to be blindly followed and publicly supported because if you want to debate them or ask why

So no debate on certain issues welcome. Glad that’s cleared up. Can move on now. If I post something up and it’s wrong or debatable, debate it and show me why it’s wrong. Don’t just run away it’s cowardly and pathetic.

Christ what a lickarse

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Absolutely and I can tell you for a fact that the vast majority of posters who have been on here for over a decade will back @rocko to the hilt when it comes to the flogging a dead horse inane/insane ramblings we have been subjected to by the likes of you, @ironmoth , @labane or whatever his latest incarnation over the last month or so.

You are not being treated harshly and ye are spamming the board to death with posts and arguments which go nowhere and are tedious in the extreme, no different to what sidney the poster who you loved to repeatedly question his mental health used to do on here and the same way that @caoimhaoin used to do a few years ago. We all used to roll our eyes with kev’s crackpot theories and for a finish up any right minded poster just stopped entering into debate with him as they would just go around in circles with Kev refusing to give an inch and that is what you and your hardchaw posse have turned into and we would all roll out eyes and laugh at his absurdity. Pure caricatures who take your own opinions far too seriously and you expect the rest of us to side with ye?

And I the biggest fucking eejit for even engaging with you here. Good luck


A whole lot of words there for not much insight. Par for the course with you as you seriously overestimate your intelligence. I don’t want anyone to side with me, but if I’m wrong I want to be debated not have a name screeched. Myself labane and ironmoth and more answer almost every question when asked, often by posters who shirk away when asked one back,you’ve definitely done the same when I asked you something recently. More fool us for engaging with people who won’t give or stand over an opinion.

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What it up your hole at all. If you someone engages with you it’s long winded rubbish but if you don’t get a reply of substance posters are running away from you?

Chasing @glasagusban the most inoffensive poster on the site is ridiculous. He champions many causes that most of the rest of us couldn’t care less about.
He’s a thoroughly decent sort but you gave all day chasing him yesterday in relation to joking comment to a poster, then when someone dug up that comment ref TSG wife you had an abundance of reasons why too ref Banter etc.

You’ve made a silly billy of yourself.

Are NOGRA going to set up a new forum?

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I’ve set out why I had an issue with him several times yesterday. But you have to ask again!?! after I spelled it out multiple times. What do I do here, answer your inane repetitive question, which will see me set it out yet again and be accused of repeating myself, or ignore your inane repetitive question which will have you saying ‘ah ha, now who won’t engage’ catch 22

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Like you spending 4 years arguing about how shit Klopp is compared to Brendan Rodgers? - fuck off you asexual smelly (I)talian.

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Is another sabbatical worth a go?

These absolute cunts… ( The Liberal )


Why did you ask me to repeat an argument I made several times yesterday? You didn’t answer that, but feel you have the right to ask more questions now. Nah. You are not worth engaging with.

I dont understand how lads get so bent out of shape discussing US or Tan politics/issues — discuss it by all means but the venom with which some lads argue about the states is bizarre in itself.


Nah, pal.

You barked up the wrong tree is all.

Why do you care so much? You’re walking around like you’re sheriff of this thread for the last few days … cool it.


It’s not the issue it’s the nature of debate online that’s annoying. Gobshites can ask a question thinking they’ve caught you out,when you reply and they didn’t catch you, they just pretend that never happened. Imagine in real life if you were debating someone and they just stopped speaking as they had no good reply. They’d look ridiculous, but it’s a normal tactic on here

With you! Good lord. That tree is dead and empty I’m afraid

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I get that also – battle lines are drawn - no one wants to give a quarter — but there’s also a tactic here of some posters using quantity to shut down debate.

No recollection of that but if I did it was probably due to not wanting to spend a few hours going around in circles in another debate same as the 50 other monotonous ones already in full flow.

Absolutely, heaven forbid you would move on and let something go rather than digging further and further down into the entrenched opinions ye guys have posted on here ad nauseam, how about seeing a post from someone you think is a idiot or opinion on the matter you don’t rate and deciding not to reply to it*.

This is one of the reasons @rocko is telling ye to shut up and move. It is tiring, repetitive and sucking the life out of this place same as other posters I mentioned did previously. That’s before the even more long winded racism argument comes into it. This is not a heavily moderated site and for the most part we can all post as we please, the odd time the moderator decides take action on here is normally because he has been forced to and if you were being harshly treated people would see that and that isn’t the way the wind is blowing in this case.

*I’m going to take my own advise here and move on. Feel free to have the last word.


Quantity of replies or of words? Definitely a mistake answering every repetitive question. I literally had to answer the same question three times until one poster got it yesterday