Racism Continued

You’re being a bit silly. Articles above say police spend 80% of their time on things that don’t need police. I suppose that means they spend 20% of their time enforcing law and order and doing things you need police for.

So you could take responsibility for that 80% of time away from the police and assign that funding to more appropriate service providers.

In other words you could “defund” the police.

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So police lose 80% of their salary? Can’t imagine that will work.

I’d take the money from the teachers personally. They spent around a third of the year on paid holidays.


the things that arent needing police are exactly the areas that people like you were screaming for just a few years ago


So you want to pay police full salaries while they only work 20% of the year? Can’t imagine that will work.

its a fairly simple sentence

No, i’d make their job 100% police work and make social workers and child services and the likes do their job instead of the police.

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The screeching left at its best …

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I suspect medics aren’t that far off that either. There’s loads of jobs like that.


Bit harsh considering child services and social work are constantly understaffed and underfunded. As for the police I’d assume you need a minimum number of cops for extreme events such as riots that aren’t that common. No point having 2 coppers dealing with a few hundred hooligans. Instead of sitting around waiting for these events most spend their time stopping traffic, dealing with petty crime and so on. We hardly want a situation where they are sitting on their holes in the station for 75% + of their time waiting for serious crimes to be committed.

theyre well funded here. its just the money is going in all the wrong places and social workers spend the vast bulk of their time in court, rather than working with families

Police need to get back into communities and build relationships - they’ve become a more like a wing of the military. Prevention is a much better way to look at police work - there’s a world of stuff the police can be doing when they’re not dealing with serious crime … in the states now tho, there’s just a bitter division between police and many communities.

you get 100% of your salary when you’re spending 80% of your working day in here…

It may be well funded but there’s serious turnover of staf. Most grads go in to child protection for a few years and then jump ship due to the workload. Lots of examples of neglect and abuse that arent addressed due to no one being available to deal with complaints. Legislation doesn’t help as kids are left to be dragged up as well and often only taken in to care after the damage has been done.

a lot of the younger ones leave because theyre dealing with fat assed superiors who shouldnt be anywhere near child protection.

the CFA goes for care orders in a lot of cases where a supervision order would be more appropriate. id be a lot more happy if there was a lot more supervision orders and a lot less care orders. the SOs allow the SWs to work with the families.

also the CFA spends over 20m in legal fees per year which could be infinitely better spent. then theres the agencies providing the fosterers and dont get me started on guardians ad litem

Ironically there’s pushback from some black communities. They want more police not less with a focus on reform not abolition. The movement is being pushed by people who don’t experience crime on a daily basis.


These cunts have it sewn up. It’s outrageous the money they make. I agree with you on all those points by the way.

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@Lazarus @myboyblue
I read about a US case recently and I can’t remember if I read it on TFK or elsewhere. African American single mother with 13 year old son with Aspergers. She’s going back to work after Covid and the son has some kind of Aspergers attack (I dont know aspergers). She calls the cops (very very fucking stupid), says her son is unarmed. The message somehow gets mixed up and the cops arrive thinking that the son is armed. They arrive at the house and shoot him 4 times, although thankfully not in the head and I think he’s still alive. She’s unimpressed with the service she received and currently doing the media circuit. Did you hear about this one?

@thomas_brady @artfoley @alf_stewart
How would the cops know for sure whether theyre responding to the 20% of proper police cases or the 80% of social work cases? Also I think the division between thise two categories is probably not nearly as clear as we would like it to be.

Also if the cops know that every tike they go out they’re responding to a violent, dangerous situation wouldn’t they fairly quickly turn into a kind if military police and just start popping everyone, no questions asked?