Racism Continued

for you? I’d actually go with this

that’s you isn’t it.

no, thats glas

That’s art alright. He was even having a pop off Ann Frank the other day. Doesn’t matter that she’s long dead, she’s a young woman that dared to express herself so art had to take her down a peg or two.

glas the white knight, the worst misogynistic and chauvinistic of them all

More illiterate rantings from the angry misogynist.

indeed, maybe you should step away form the keyboard for a while and have another illuminating chat with some bored fishermen.

More illiterate rantings from the angry misogynist.

youre stuck in a loop now, time to shut off the laptop

The replies here are unbelievable. It’s no wonder America is the way it is. Yes, twitter is no gauge and an abomination, but it’s just endless replies of racist fucks telling them to just go play.

For context, the players of both sides stood together for a brief moment in a show of unity in the quest for equality for all. The crowd booed them for doing this. It wasn’t during the anthem or it didn’t delay the game, about thirty seconds of them in a line and that’s it. But booed and getting endless shit for doing it.


Ungrateful is the new uppity

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Abhorrent if true but the septics have shown form with this kind of thing before.

Ian Wright’s racial abuser arrested in Tralee.

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It will kick off in Kentucky tonight. None of 3 Cops involved in shooting Breona Taylor were charged directly for her killing. charges were dropped completely against 2 cops while the third had a lesser charge of wanton endangerment.

Is @BruidheanChaorthainn still defending him?

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Did you reply calling him a king, mate?

Black males are responsible in the main for the bad treatment of black women. A random shooting by a white cop is a massive outlier in lebron tweet and is hardly representative .

A very misogynistic culture among black males in America…

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