Racism Continued

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Its the parents should be prosecuted

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He should be banned from FIFA online


Ungentlemanly e-conduct.

Online FIFA is serious bizness

cc @Aertel220


Was he not an adult?

You wouldn’t get locked up for rape in Kerry if you’re from a “good family” so no surprise that a racist can walk free.


I reckon he’s had enough punishment for a stupid young fella probably thinking he was being funny. I don’t see how saddling him with a criminal record would help society. He gave abuse online. He reaped it tenfold.
I’m not a huge fan of the notion of punishment “to set an example”. It should fit the crime.


it never dos though: always too harsh on the lower end and too soft on the higher scale


Hmm, I think this will empower other would be racists.

He certainly deserved punishment… He’s been totally shamed within his own community and I think that’s enough. Did he lose his job?

He in IT Tralee.

I thought he also had a job ? Anyway, I’m not sure a jail term was needed here but you’d have no sympathy if he was given a sentence, even if it would have been suspended.

Pretty revolting crime and send out a message that we aren’t serious about racism.

Here’s the thing though. Should punishment fit the crime, or is it ok to be disproportionate just to send out a message ?
In which case you may hang a few drink drivers and white collar criminals, a cut the hands off shoplifters.
I doubt very much at all that this sorry saga will “empower would be racists”.

He didn’t get punished though. He is free now to go waving the dixie flag to his hearts content

There’s a module in criminology about this very point.

consequentialist vs retributivist sentencing

I’d not destroy a lads life over it. Some lads would.

I’m not sure why you think the punishment fits the crime here. He committed as bad an offence of hate speech as I’ve seen in this country and got no punishment. The fact that you think the punishment fits the crime here would suggest that you see no crime having been committed.

This is an interesting point. Someone mentioned on here recently in relation to another case that judges will do their best to avoid passing down a conviction on a young person that would negatively affect them later in life.

Here the judge probably looked at all the circumstances and reckoned he’d learned his lesson.

On the subject of racism though, it doesn’t send out a good message. Anyone else thinking they might go and fire some racist abuse at someone will take the message that the state won’t punish them, the only repercussion might be that the person publishes my abuse and I get a backlash from my community. So they’ll do it anonymously or pick a softer target.

The message to anyone on the end of racist abuse is equally important. We’ve no interest in supporting you, we’re not really bothered that someone has committed a crime and you’ve been the victim of it. Take it into your own hands or whatever, don’t bother us.

We dont have hate speech and hate crime legislation here. He would have been charged with harassment through the telecommunications act or something like that.