Racism Continued

Different thing altogether?

Yah completely different.

To-ma-to/To-mah-to :man_shrugging:t2:

“The now third level student, admitted harassing Mr Wright on May 11th, 2020 contrary to the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997.

“Mr O’Brien also admitted that on the same date, he sent by phone a message that was grossly offensive, obscene and menacing, contrary to the Post Office Act 1951.”

Destroying his life for ignorance as an 18 year old… Half the country would be locked up. It’s a tough one to balance for the other reasons you lay out, what does it say to wider society and would be offenders… But I guess you can only take it case by case. His mammy dragged him straight down the Garda station when she found out through his very public doxxing… So you could use the - he’s not that kind of player - defence here.


It’s a good thing he didn’t have an Irish politician giving him a character reference. Ian would have struggled to wrap his head around that :joy:

Did he not send some idiotic messages as a bit of “bantz” in relation to a soccer football video game? I’m not trying to defend him here, but if that’s the worst Ireland can come up with, we’re not in a bad place.

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Ian’s an alright sort. He didn’t deserve that. Some fellas need to call round to that chap with a few iron bars and then everyone can move on with life

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He sent him direct messages. Lad was old enough to know right from wrong.

He was. He needs a beating.

You swear he was a gullible 1st year the way some are going on here.

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He was clearly a simpleton. Not sure his life should be over after it. But he could have done a few hundred hours community service or something

I’m not arguing that. I’m just questioning whether a lad sending another lad a racist message as bantz is really the worst example of hate speech seen in this country.

He is in college, hardly a ‘simpleton’

Was it bantz?

Ah now, he’s in Tralee IT, hardly a college

The judge had benefit of the probation report. Nobody here has read it.

For non violent offences there’s a lot to be said for one chance. It’s why the probation act is there.

It’s hardly Bantz to call a chap a monkey, n*****r and coon. It’s deeply offensive.


And it was’nt a once off either.