Rats - A thread about Cats

A bird in your attic? Do you live with @myboyblue by any chance?

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Heā€™s my gimp

If youā€™ve a bird trapped in the attic*, @myboyblue has plenty of experience at dealing with such a situation, so just ask him what to do.

*Or basement.

Julio, your tired post has been ripped off by an even duller post


Deal with the fact that two people independently came up with the same thought, pal.

Iā€™m actually having a shite as I type this, which I think is tremendously appropriate given the subject matter.

6 minutes apart, you must really be straining with that shite. Not the first time you strain yourself coming up with shite though.

Iā€™m happy with my decisions

Were you perhaps taking a shite too?

Went to the attic last week the poison has been nibbled at, iv the place laced with it outside and inside, can never put down enough lads.

Iā€™d be wary of putting poison in the loft, if he croaks inside the smell will sicken you. And youā€™ve to find him, clean out the maggots, get it all bagged up and out past the missusā€¦

All very familiar to @myboyblue.

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If it sounds like a rat itā€™s a mouse. If it sounds like an elephant itā€™s a rat.


And then into the wheelie bin.

It all makes sense now.

I find myself nodding in agreement to this advice

Dublin Supporters Club meeting. @binkybarnes is the Chairrat

Usually they go outside for water and die thatā€™s the purpose of the poison drying them out

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Yeah but youā€™ve to hope he makes it outside. Ive a yoke that electrocutes them, mice and rats. Lob in a bit of bait like burnt rasher, chocolate or peanut butter and sit back. Ive loaned it out to lads that tried everything elseā€¦ first night with this boy and BANG! :zap:

Jaysus, you wouldnā€™t want to get your finger caught

Itā€™s safe enough :astonished:

Just plug it out and put in the bait and place it on their run. It has a long cable that has a flashing led on it to let you know when it has fired so you donā€™t have to be up and down the ladder to check. It has an audible alam as well.

Would it kill a small dog?