Rats - A thread about Cats

Shotgun job


You’d want a good eye to shoot one of them down.

They’re hardly like the crows? Hang a dead one to keep others away?

Just fucking spray the place with pellets, shoot indiscriminately. Just pretend you’re one of the Keanes and the swallows are the Ryans. Are you going to let these cunts nest on your turf like a punk ass bitch?


Just as well you didn’t make me a Collopy there handling a firearm

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Close the door.

Watched too many films that lad

Burn the porch to the ground. Job is oxo

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Had issue with rat. Wily fucker took ages to catch, knew what he was at. Fast forward few months and sign of another one. Fuck that, went and got a terrier. Lockdown good time to house train the dog with everyone home with her.

Problem, to now at least, solved.

Ps- I fucking hate rats

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Saw them in Westfields, Limerick the other day. Came up out if the water in front of me, bold as brass. Living a mighty life on the bread people throw to the swans I suppose.

Dublin needs to be nuked

Those Herbert Simms flat complexes are a nightmare for it. Not a new thing either, there was talk of this a couple of years ago with the Townsend Street flats. Dublin City Council have said they are so old that infestations will keep coming back and they aren’t properly using the space properly either. Luvies like Frank McDonald who claim to care about the homeless and people’s welfare will go ape if any of those Simms complexes are demolished. They’re a nice museum for them to go around.

In saying that, Dublin is just not that bad for rats relative to other big cities. I’d be very interested to know how the out of control populations in US cities are handling the lockdown and the cut down in trash.

My next door neighbour went to fire something into his wheelie bin a while back and a rat jumped up out of the bin onto his arm

I’ve never heard screaming like it.

Lots of lads will be wary opening their bins next time out now. :hushed:


Bin must have been filthy dirty.

They are rubbish repositories mate.


The fella must have got some fright. Not disputing that, rats are horrible cunts.

I’ve never heard fear like it. He’s a big strong lad. A builder. It was a high pitched wail

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Fuck it, be an awful shock in fairness as they can be big bastards too - the rats that is. Their tails are long as well, horrific.

Lot to be said for having an auld cat around the place.

He had to go to the doctor cos he had scrapes up along his arm. His missus was only telling me recently he hasn’t put out the bins since. :joy:



Shouldnt laugh really.