Rats - A thread about Cats

This leftie streak in him has left him afraid of spiders.

Chicago is full of rats

How did the rat get into the wheelie bin? Did he ate through the bottom of it or what?

The False Widow Spider is harmless, donā€™t believe any of that shit in the paper.

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one of the kids must have left the lid open for a spell is the explanation I was given.

Sounds like the wife is trying to kill him off

One of the worst spots for it. Boston and Washington are bad too.

New York is surprisingly not as bad in my experience.

I wonder if the relative density plays a role there, thereā€™s a bit more sprawl and less foot traffic in those cities so you are likely to see just as many visitors.

The standard of waste disposal is awful.

Dumpsters over flowing everywhere and on the side of the main streets too. Couldnā€™t get over the amount of rats I saw there. And the homelessness was insane as well.

the smell of garbage in the US cities on a hot summers day is absolutely fucking rank.

Philly had a heat wave while I was there and the constant stench was just fucking disgusting

Looks like all the cities with Democratic mayors have a major problem with waste disposal.


Government with a small g as they say themselves, the way they like it

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Would have thought by now there would be much better/easier ways of getting rid of rats from a placeā€¦not like they canā€™t find a few rats to test the potential potency of a productā€¦

They reckon the problem is not as great as the media claim though. It used to be said that there would be 9 or 10 rats per person, in reality itā€™s 9 or 10 rats for every sighting. So in NYC they reckon thereā€™s about 400k of them.

Iā€™ve seen more rats in one night in Chicago than my whole life in Dublin. Iā€™d say Iā€™ve seen 6 in total in Dublin - one a couple of months ago in St Stephens Green, big one it was.

One of those bit me two summers ago. I still have the scar. I think we have a nest in the house.

Small bump on leg. I flew to London. Leg was throbbing and big pimple. Bought some savlon and a plaster in Boots in Paddington. Train to Bristol. At this stage walking was painful. Next morning I had a big open sore on my leg. I thought I had a flesh eating disease by time I got back to Heathrow*

Antibiotics and an antibiotic cream to clear it up but as I said the scar remains.

*i donā€™t fly to Bristol after some bad experiences

The poison seems to be good but falls foul of the environmentalistsā€¦

Dry ice was the big thing for a while, I think that also fell out of favour due to the environmentalists.

Tbh though in US cities, some quite basic improvements in trash disposal would have a big impact.

It would probably help if Americans werenā€™t the largest producers of waste in the world as well

I donā€™t believe a word of it.

What a shitebag.

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