Rats - A thread about Cats

Cats are shit for rats, they might kill an auld mouse. You’d want a well trained terrier for rats

I have 2 cats who are excellent at killing rats. Never let into the house allright. House cats get lazy.


A cat will only kill if it’s hungry or in the mood, a house cat wouldn’t go near one. You can train a terrier to wipe the bastards nest out.

Outside cats and JRTs will be demand all we have to do is training them to stay away from each other. On a side note Tom cats are stone wall useless. You need a Queen to go hunting

On a number of occasions, out cat brought a rat to the door when we lived near Mary I and there was building going on there. This fucker would kill anything in fairness to him. He killed a young rabbit one day. He’s 11 now, and is spending more time lying on the fucking couch.

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Cats in a house even if lazy fucks will keep rodents out with their scent

A useful, active cat will keep the mice in check but stone useless when faced with rat(s). Mice are slower than their larger cousins and haven’t an ounce of cunning. Rats on the other hand are deceptively quick of foot and thought. You shouldn’t be fooling our city dwellers that cats are the answer as they certainly aren’t. Terriers, petrol and shotguns are the safer solutions.


Our new cat is bringing a mouse (or shrew) to the door pretty much every day at the moment.


Junior B stuff. Rats are senior championship levels. Straight knockout, kill or be killed.


I have two cats and they are gone absolutely useless.

They have me sussed when I’m finished the cows in the morning and evening they follow me to the back door and weave in through my legs into the back kitchen and wont leave until I throw them a few scraps of food.

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Petrol is in short supply will kerosene do?

That glass case with the pipe is some job. What did he sprinkle around it and inside it to begin with that they went mad for?

I seen another one with a compound bucket half filled with waster and the handle of a broom across the top of it on an axel,bit of chocolate in the middle and the mice walk over and fall into the water.Very simple.


You’d want your head examined if you’re not living in a rural one off dwelling with your own waste treatment system/septic tank.

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Theres hapes on YouTube worth a watch

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Cat left a rat on doorstep yesterday- horrible looking bastard. She’s killed four mice and rat this past week. I’ve poison down all over place and the feckers not touching it.


You’ve nailed it there bud. It’s an epidemic of these cat-sized super-rats that would concern me most.
Urban dwellers would seem chronically exposed to an invasion. @Special_Olympiakos comes across here as a man fighting an inferno with a water pistol. Cartridges will be in great demand shortly.

A serious operator


Class :clap:

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Brilliant the way she has to run through the cones with it.