Rats - A thread about Cats

Very slight chance that the cat is microchipped? Might be worth taking it to a vet anyway. Is it deffo a ā€˜heā€™?

Most cats wouldnā€™t have collars Iā€™d say.

Our fella arrived at the back door this morning showing off a frog he ā€˜foundā€™ somewhere. Fucking ruthless

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The lady we have had a rat at the back door Sunday evening and two mice Monday morning. Sheā€™s doing serious damage to the local ecosystem

I phrased it very carefully.

Sure what even is gender these days?

I might take it to the vet if she decides to keep it

Do. Get it ā€˜sortedā€™ as well while youā€™re there.

You canā€™t just steal someoneā€™s cat.
Cats are selfish cunts, she already has an owner but is just milking ye for extra food and attention.

Yeah Iā€™d be afraid Iā€™m taking it off someone and it seems really tame to be a stray

So, yesterday it was immunisation time. I got a panicked phone call at 230 from herself.
Heā€™d been asleep in his cat tree thing, so she got the carrier out and tried to sneak up. He awoke, took one look at it and jammed his claws into the tree for grim life. She finally managed to prise him free when he wriggled out and took off upstairs. She spent a good twenty minutes looking before she finally found him on the top floor right at the back underneath hoppers bed ā€œthese two big green eyes looking at meā€. He wouldnā€™t come out for a catlick or prawns or anything. She crawled under and off he took back past her and gone. Sheā€™d already blocked the catflap so he couldnā€™t get out. She searched every room one by one closing the doors behind but no sign. Rang me in a panic. I said sheā€™d just have to ring the vet. She did, and he said as long as you can get him here before 5 itā€™ll be fine. She searched again (and he has a bell so he was obviously being completely still). No sign anywhere. She went out to meet her pal and came back and he was asleep on the couch so she threw his blanket on him, wrestled him into the carrier and out a bowl of prawns in. He ripped his blanket, kicked the prawns all over and then bit her at the vets. Ā£150 for the Jabs, and then the vet said he had tartar on his teeth, and she should be brushing them every day. ā€œHe was only a young lad, so I just looked at him and shook my headā€
Little fcuker.


Is Catnip worth getting to help relax cats and stop with constant meowing and looking for attention? Weā€™ve a couple of fuckers driving me wrong lately looking for food and getting under my feet every time I step outside the door. One is a topper for hunting and almost daily has a rodent of some sort caught so want to keep her around but just keep her from pestering me for food on an hourly basis

We got a cat last week. Or rather my daughter did. I hate cats. The dog is going apeshit over it.


Relax it? It drives them fcuking nuts.


My missus was like you, now 17 years later she treats them like babies

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A different breed of cat in Didsbury


Our ones used love fish heads when I was young.

Jeez I donā€™t know

Like a bag of booter on a stag to the fuckers.


A cat isnā€™t really a pet, itā€™s just something you feed occasionally

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