Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Brisket, two types of BBQ’ed chicken, burgers, sausages, quinoa salad, potato salad, green salad, carrot and pineapple salad, tomato basil and mozzarella, rice salad, Jamie Oliver homemade BBQ sauce, bean stew, and grilled aubergines mushrooms and courgettes.

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And not a picture to prove any of it. Did you have a pot noodle?


I use the tinfoil for culinary purposes mate, unlike Tipp simpletons using it to fry their non existent brains.


Fuck me, I hope she was worth it.

That sounds rotten. Hope you’re not sick today.

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It sounds vile

You wouldn’t feed that to pigs.


If he was feeding it to his Na Piarsaigh buddies it was perfect.

How many rounds of Lattes did they get through I wonder.

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I’d say they were bloated from them

How’d the brisket work out for you, did you get it off Noel inside or are you in Dublin?
Sounds good on the whole but a picture would help,

Noel of course. Gas BBQ so made a smoker and got woodchips in there, the BBQ didn’t retain the smoke well enough though so could have been better from that aspect. Nice though, brisket is a bit of work but it’s fantastic.

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I’m cooking a brisket here. It’s no trouble. Stop making a drama out of everything.


Fantastic piece of meat, I do it a bit but always in the oven so far,
Have you a bit left over for sandwiches, I’d slice it and pop it in the oven for a few minutes to warm it up, you just can’t go wrong from there.

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You’ve been away too long, you’re mixing up your personalities, the tone of your posts are all wrong. Your blood sugar levels must be all over the place.


Funnily enough I was reading what he said there and was just about to say the same thing

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These cunts (this cunt?) are fairly boring the hole off me already.


Had a grand spot of Fish in a lovely light beer batter at Cronin’s in Crosshaven yesterday afternoon. Herself had some goats cheese dish which she was very happy with.

Place is covered in interesting Boxing memorabilia & photos which i had a good gander at while waiting for the grub.

lovely bit of roast lamb there

Oh for fucks sake, the healthy option :joy: Light beer batter :rollseyes:

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