Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

The batter was made with Beer. The batter was light.

Are you okay? You seem to be agitated. Did you make a cunt of yourself recently?

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Well he certainly made a cunt of you recently.

He sure did.

that was an unreal comment

I’ve a lovely bit of tuna steak for dinner. Cut fresh off the fish this morning.

The market?

Had the same last weekend for dinner. Sensational.

Saw that fella in the market this morning, I caught one about that size on a line off Montauk in 1995.

What did you do it with ?

Treat it exactly like you would a steak, pan as hot as you can get it.

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Pan fired with butter. Not as rare as i’d have beef steak… medium well I suppose.

I meant as a marinade/sides

I’m a classically trained seafood chef


I sometimes marinade in olive oil, honey, mustard, soy and white wine vinegar


Aldi’s finest

Wow. Did you make all that yourself?

every bit of it, I bought the fish cakes in aldi, the tortellini in Tesco and the made the sauce myself with a tin of tomatoes, onion and garlic, it was unreal, you can’t beat a bit of home-made food



Make a nice tomato salsa for it pal.

When was the fish caught?