Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

about 3 weeks ago

Bought in the gone off section of tescos in Dooradoyle I’d say.


Ask him


He was probably landed off the coast of Mauritania a month ago.



I’m in that picture :fearful:

There was an old know it all cunt standing around that fish earlier telling his buddy how those two bream?? in front were baby tuna, ‘can you believe that they start out like that and turn into him?’

He was landed off Castletownbere a couple of days ago, he’s still in very decent condition to be honest.

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That was unreal

Perfectly cooked in fairness to you, baby spuds look lovely as well, they look like frozen veg?
Any sauce?

Tuna Steak… with spuds and carrots. :laughing:
One for the roaster thread.


White ankle socks?

No sauce, plenty of marinade.
I came home from the market without getting veg. Had to resort to frozen stuff. The spuds are baby potatoes, par boiled, coated in garlic and parsley butter and then roasted in the oven.

Canterbury tracksuit actually smartarse

There’s a lad trying to stick his finger in the fish’s ass. Please tell me that’s not you.

Well he does have exceedingly nice trainers

What were the odds on that ? I only turned around to take the photo as I was queuing for hommus

I’m only shitting you, I was just admiring his shoes. I’m not a fan of the hummous at the olive stand, Tesco finest actually have nicer imo. I hate the smell of hot fat that comes out of that Rene Cusack shop, turns my stomach whatever it is they’re using.

surprise fucking surprise :joy:


Strange carry on out of me alright, and very unhygienic. The fish was filleted on one side all the way from his tail to his head when I saw him so that finger isn’t where you think.
I spent about 6 hours bringing in a fish very like that about 50 miles off Long Island.

For a man who places such stock in routine it’s hardly surprising to you that I’ve been to the market? I have an awful lot of money mate and I struggle to spend it in supermarkets, nice to lighten the old wallet on a Saturday morning.