Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread



No veg.just meat and spuds. Hasselnank spuds are the biggest thing to hit TFK since the nutribullet


I’d ate that.

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I had a few gone off sausages that were out by 3 or 4 days, great use for them, as I was saying to @Fagan_ODowd earlier you’d never see me throwing out a bit of grub if I didn’t have to

My fathers the same. I remember one time i threw an apple that was gone soft and oozing into the bin and he was roaring at me not to. It was a stand off, like someone standing at the edge of a cliff about to jump off. He fished it out of the bin then and ate it. The same fella would never eat an apple in the month of Sundays but he’d rather ate it if he knew it was going to waste. Even though I bought it. There was another incident where I found a yogurth gone off three weeks and I fucked it in the bin in front of him. Big mistake. “They never go off” he said as he ate this rotten yogurth in front of me.


Those hasselback potatoes are the bees knees, not at all difficult either, they open naturally as they’re cooking making it easy to baste them regularly, I’m going to experiment with different butters and herbs.

This thread is comical. A simpleton in missouri cooks sliced spuds and a rake of apes follow him


Kansas and Missouri are separate states you simpleton
As it happens I’ve never been to either (thankfully)


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The Oirish love their spuds mate.

Evens the cultured ones that end up living in hickland

Roast chicken, cabbage, mashed turnip, boiled and roast potato (not joining the hasselbank bandwagon) sage and onion stuffing. Sage from the back garden. Turnip, potato, cabbage and chicken from Lidl. The turnip was 39c. Great day to be in Lidl with the LGF final on. Their proudest day.

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mashed turnip goes lovely with roast beef

A very underrated veg. Lovely with a load of pepper on it. I’d enough left over to plate up a dinner for the old lady that lives down the street. She was delighted when I dropped in to her so I came back and got a pot of jam for her. The poor divil was delighted.


you have raised the bar again

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There’s a few poor ould divils out here I keep an eye out for.


an incredible man

I was inspired by @Bandage s mothers neighbours dropping cakes into Bandage when he had the bad leg. What goes around comes around. There’s nothing quite as comforting as a neighbours dropping by with a bit of grub. And the old timers love the blackberry jam. Gerty was absolutely delighted.


Them are the best Hasselbank spuds Iv seen in a very long time.


you learn something new everyday, I have a feeling these are going to change my life in ways I never thought possible

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Does she have any living relations? Are you like a “nephew” to her