Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

No. There is no ulterior motive here. I’m disgusted at your insinuations.


It can take generations to breed the country boy out of fellas. Would hardly even be your fault

There was even a bit of chicken left over for Bobby.
Bobby was delighted.


That’s lovely. You are the society counter balance to @ChocolateMice who would be in those old ladies bedroom windows in a heartbeat.


That’s a noble looking dog.

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Clear out the Orla kiely piece. Makes a mock.of a proper kitchen

Bobby has worms.

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Ah fuxk lads. I skipped through this thread after a few ookts and genuinely thought one of ye had eaten a dog.
Silly me

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I dunno am I diasolppontee or what.

I’m glad the dog lived.


There were a few houses done in Corbally during the week.

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Pints. :face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage:

that’s a lovely little dog. my mother had to put her own lad down yesterday, christ i was choking with the tears even thinking about it

Ah that’s desperate.

where does she go from here? slightly too old to take on a pup in case…you know yourself…

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Lisdoonvarna? Might take her mind off it


I just said a little prayer for your mother’s dog. May it rest in peace mate.

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