Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Your mother has a lad?!? It’s all starting to make sense…

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I got my fella from the pound. He was three or four years old, house trained and all the rest of it. Great little lad. Think he might have been a tinkers dog at some stage because he barks every time he sees a van.


Everyone knows your eggs are the best on the internet but your spuds are always very special too.


I was a little unsure of you at first, Fagan. When you posted up that picture of your pooch and mentioned you got him at the pound, I knew immediately that you were a decent skin. Plus, you were very upset after hitting a bird with your electric car. I’d say you’ve a heart of gold when it comes to animals. A fantastic trait in a person.


a properly baked spud, is a very special thing, a very special experience

a very special man

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Ah lads I’m blushing here.


Can you imagine the song and dance noellie would make of a baked spud?


You’re never too old to take on a dog. Tell your old mum to get back on the bike.

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sure he nearly wet himself there yesterday when @anon7035031 told him how to roast a spud, he had to go straight out and try and do it himself

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i don’t think she has the heart for it

Tis a fair ordeal to get a dog from the pound. When our fella died we went straight up to the pound to get a new one for my old man. They were looking for details on how many dogs he had had, what security measures were in place. References! He told them to go and fuck anyways he was only trying to do a good deed

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Your old man sounds like an awful cunt. What harm is it if they do a few checks. They came out to my house to check me out and I didn’t make a big deal of it. No point in moving a dog from one bad situation straight into another.


Are you going to curry him or do him in the slow cooker?

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The fucking dog was probably put down a fortnight later coz they couldn’t find a house for him the poor cratur. And some fucking hippy above in the pound has his blood on her hands

Would that be any worse of a fate for an already traumatised dog than being sent into another unsuitable home.

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She wouldn’t have needed to use much cop on to see my old man was a safe bet. Poor fucking dog getting the silencer as a result

Unless @gilgamboa did actually lick it off a stone then it’s unlikely that his old fella is such a cunt as to assume that a dog is better off dead than in his gaff.
Cuntish thing to suggest to be honest, most old fellas would balk at that kind of background check.

He doesn’t sound like a safe bet, flying off the handle just because he’s asked a few simple questions.