Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

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I’m ateing well today. I’m ravenous

Is that paella and chicken dippers? :clap:


A Spanish classic

Fused with South London grime.

Washed down with two chicken kievs and tortellini in ketchup.
I love the way @Tassotti isn’t afraid to mix and match his world cuisines.
You’ll have the likes on @anon7035031 on in a minute saying this shouldn’t go with that, I’m a chef blah, blah, blah. You wouldn’t mind but the cunt wouldn’t cook spuds for a duck.

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Fuck up you clown, I am a great admirer of @Tassotti’s culinary efforts. He is coming on in leaps and bounds under my tutelage. When have you ever had the balls to post anything on here you gimp?


My plates aren’t up to scratch


I’d say your countertop, table, floor and trainers aren’t up to the required standard either.


As soon as i leave the rental market I’m going to get some hardwood floors so I can get in on the trend without fear of ridicule. The way I’m getting bled by every cunt in the process at the minute the hot press might be the only room I can afford to put a hard wood floor in though. But the internet won’t know that

Nice pot of chili with a few extras on the go here.


Batch of crab apple jelly on the go here. Found a crab apple tree and a dessert apple tree absolutely laden with fruit today. I always take a plastic bag with me when I’m out walking this time of the year.


Will you wear that pair of jocks again?



Yurt. :ronnyroar:

Kitchen looks pure class.


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What’s up mate? It’s a lovely looking kitchen, we don’t see enough of them

Any of you ladies ever cooked goose. As we approach the festive season, I would like to try something different this year