Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Do you have M&S? That’s where I get mine.

There’s no m&s in Limerick

You’ll get it in the ethnic shops, theres a great new one on Henry Street across the road from the Windmill.
Tesco also do it.

@ChocolateMice do they ever stock buffalo meat at the market anymore

Haven’t a scooby, bro. Haven’t been to the market in a year… Actually, he has fallen out with Johnny, the owner of the buffalo, so that will be a negative.

Duck, swan, gorilla, it doesn’t matter what’s in the tin once it comes through four hours at full pelt in some of the ovens.


La phare du cap bon is the good shit. I’d be surprised if you couldn’t get it in a raghead shop in Limerick

Using up the last of the apples. Lovely bit of chutney on the go here.


Coq au vin tonight with a glass of ribera del duero


that looks savage pal

It was very nice mate, something I’ve been meaning to make for a long time

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Chang Mai prawn and courgette curry tonight. UN-fucking-real. Probably a tad too much tamarind paste but top notch overall.


The boil in the bag uncle Ben’s rice is a nice touch


The asparagus looks nice buddy.I’ve been meaning to get the finger out and grow my own for a few years now. You’ve given me the ghee up to do it now. I’m gonna start the prep for the spring sowing tomorrow AM.
Where did you get yours?

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Aldi mate (cc @Fagan_ODowd), the were very nice

Nice.I’m gonna have go at it next March.My father grew a little plot of it for years and I always remember it was savage work for the return, but I’ve no interest in spuds and the likes so maybe asparagus is the veg for me.
I wonder is there anymore bespoke veggies* out there that we could endorse ? Maybe the original Irish/Hibernian/Anglo carrots ? (The black ones).

*NOT @Tassotti

I believe the yield per square metre is minuscule with asparagus, it’s a beautiful thing if treated properly.