Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Nice. I always do them in garlic and chilli but that looks good. Must try it out.


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That’s a lovely set of ingredients you have there, be sure and throw up a picture after it’s cooked.


Serious amount of butter going into it whatever it is going to be. No wonder them Sing/malays are so fat

Where do you see the butter mate?

Feeding time at the Zoo as the man says

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Calm down, mate.

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I used to fucking love the Chinese version of this. Hotpot. Fantastic stuff.

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A few drops of brolene will clear up that blurred vision pal.

I will mate. That’s actually tofu btw.

You don’t say… :rollseyes:

Is your fanny itching you today or what?

The Asians have a great way of making good ingredients look and taste like shit. Disgusting bastards.

Did an Asian hooker make you stick a cucumber up her ass then eat it?


Yeah, “she made him do it”.

Stay on topic lads please.

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Oh here comes the fun police

grand bit of pollock



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