Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Thought it looked fine.

It’s a waste of fillet imo. The trick is to grill a whole strip, flank or hanger. Marinate it in lime or lemon juice for up to a day and slice it thinly across the grain after grilling.


I’ve just had the same but with no mojitos mate. What are the chances?

Sounds great but that would usually be a last minute thing for me, kind of a four O clock in the supermarket thing and dinner has to be on the table by six.
I might try something like that for a crowd sometime.

That’s more or less what we did, kid.


I’ve a smoked veggie chilli on the go here from a recipe I got in The Sunday Times a few weeks back. The serving suggestion was with baked potatoes with grated cheese and gem lettuces.

Report to possibly follow later. I’m fucking starving looking at this thing


That sounds great, throw up the recipe there

Chicken Noodle Soup tonight

Turned out well. I’m fucking stuffed.

Being a roaster I stuck on four baked potatoes between myself and herself (1 for her, 2 for me, and 1 for her tomorrow while I’m at the hurling). After the first one, I decided on taking on just half the second. Bad move.

Full to the brim.

Fresh made chicken soup is the best thing you can eat (bone broth) and to my untrained eye that looks the genuine article. Nice quiff BTW

No pictures @caulifloweredneanderthal? Did you smoke the veg yourself???



I don’t have a quiff but Mrs. Fran is looking good beside me

I took a pic but decided against it. I’d only have food snobs like yourself slagging my pot and presentation style :joy:

Did the veg (peppers and sweet potato mainly) on the griddle pan as per the instructions.

Is the recipe something like this?


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That’s exactly it pal. Apologies. I’m stuck to the couch so couldn’t go into the kitchen to take a photo of the recipe

Sound, I’ll be doing that soon

My tip would be slightly less cocoa powder than recommended perhaps.

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More of a receding widows peak obviously but I’m a nice guy. Never trust a reflection in a spoon.

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Mushrooms have no place in that, Fran.

Having a big plate of cold meats and cheese and olives and a glass of wine. I’ve got an aged cheddar and a green cheese that I think is a basil and fennel cheese, it’s unreal anyway. The olives are garlic and chilli olives, I used hate the taste of olives for ages but kept trying them and have developed a taste for them, these ones are class.

The likes of @Tassotti is probably making a pig of himself, ateing his way through a third Easter egg and it not even Sunday yet.