Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

The Aussies love it[quote=“ChocolateMice, post:3923, topic:22211”]
than weetabix could do to a person over a life-time.

Looks its fine, we are all on a journey pal. Some of us want to travel that extra mile, others are happy to stay where we are. I wish you well.


An extra mile to the grave yard? Linda McCartney went an extra 50 miles and still popped her clogs in her 50s, mate… Some people want to be seen to go the extra mile would be a far more accurate statement …


Too soon!

NSW Weetabix ffs

Not Suitable for Work weetabix?? Da fuq ?

new south wales brah

the arsehole of oz

@KinvarasPassion has made a holy show of himself here.


If you listen closely you’ll hear your pancreas whizzing away at full throttle

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I’ve started treating myself to a slice of toast with a slice of ham and 2 scrambled eggs a couple of times a week after a morning gym session. It is delishballs.


The tampon brigade will be along to rip you apart for eating bread/processed meat and questioning the source of your eggs …

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They want you to eat like a caveman. You know, the guys who lived until they were 30.

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Send them my way, bro. I’ll smash their fucking teeth in.



I’m a decision maker

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Is @ChocolateMice the lad that was up in Galway swilling pint bottles of Bulmers a few weekends back? He must have a savage addiction to sugar, and I’d say we’re only getting half the story here. A few weetabix would only be keeping him ticking over, and he’d be liable to erupt at the first thing to go wrong in the morning, e.g. a paper jam in the printer, etc. If he’s the lad I’m thinking of, sure doesn’t he regularly lash out online too. He’s a prime candidate for having the desk drawer heaving with fruit bars, sugary drinks, etc., and riding the wave from one mood swing to the next. He’ll probably berate me for pointing this out, but that’s typical behaviour of sugar addicts. You try to help them, and they snap.


I have standard porridge in milk with a spoon of organic honey?

Porridge , small drop of milk and milled flak seeds . Pangs at bay till 12 and keeps one regular .

That’s a fine breakfast kid, from once you don’t have a dairy intolerance. What’s your mood like during the morning? Would you be lashing out at people / inanimate objects, or would you be full of the joys, as they say?

Is there scope for a breakaway breakfast thread? I’d say some of the foodie types around here (lads commenting on quality of their cooking pots, Michelin starred restaurants and marinating a cow for a week) will be put out that lads are talking about Rice Krispies when they’d much rather show off a meal they spent a weekend preparing