Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

It’s hake and that’s paprika.

Hand cut chipped potatoes.


Go for it, kid.

New dog Fagan?

Keep up glas. I posted about picking up a rescue dog from the Tullamore pound a month ago.


These are great and you can ate away…

Cut up your chips nice and chunky and boil them for 5 mins in beef stock… drain and shake/ruffle the bollox off them so they are all rough and ready… onto baking paper/tray and spray with frylite or a drizzle of oil and loads of black pepper and sea salt… into the over at 200 for 20 mins.

Lovely low fat chips that taste unreal.


Must have missed that. Good on you Fagan. How’s he settling in?

Super healthy there alright.
Boiling your chips in salt, then cover them in the salt, cook them, thrown on a bit more salt and eat as many as you want.


He’s a lovely little dog with bags of personality. First time I’ve had a terrier. They’re gas crack. I’ve usually only had big dogs.


You only have them in stock for 5 minutes in a big pot of water, you gimp… only adds a touch of flavour - And they are hardly covered in salt.

I’ve given that a like.

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You couldn’t make it up


Sounds good alright, stock cube or what?
I assume the actifry and its competitors have been covered to death on here (seems like the kind of thing fellas from both camps would get excited about)

Actifry is shite. I’ve gone back to the deep fat fryer.


Yeah stock cube — obviously a raw potato doesnt soak up much flavour from the cube, but the dullards on here struggle with the basics… a touch of paprika is the job with them… It’s more black pepper than sea salt you season with.

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Some the potatoes doesn’t soak up the flavour yet you recommend using them as some sort of super healthy alternative?
A healthier alternative is to just par boil them in water, then season with paprika, bit of sea salt and pepper. Small drop of olive oil and bang them in the oven. It’s basic home made oven chips, yet you are trying to sell it as some of revolutionary new idea?


They are.

They are the next big thing.

The stock remains on the outside and makes them extra crispy.

I’d actually stay away from olive oil and use the garlic flavoured fry-lite…

No need to thank me.

Ive a recipe for a super healthy curry should the board want it. A low fat curry.

Granola 2.0 - FAO of @backinatracksuit and @Smark

Oven on to about 175C. Saucepan on a low-med heat and add 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 cup coconut oil, grated zest of an unwaxed lemon. Heat gently until coconut oil and honey combine forces.

Into a big mixing bowl, add:

  • 2 cups jumbo oats
  • 1 cup millet flakes (if you don’t have them, just add an extra cup of oats)
  • 1 cup hazelnuts (chopped)
  • 1 cup pecans (whole)
  • 1/2 cup walnuts (chopped)
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/3 cup dessicated coconut
  • 1/4 cup milled flaxseed
  • 1 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

Stir while pouring in the honey / oil mix, then pour onto lined baking trays and into the oven for 15 - 20 mins, giving it a stir every 5 - 8 mins.

When it cooled I added just under 2 cups of dried fruit - cranberries and raisins. Avoid going too sweet early, and add more if you think it needs it. The ginger, lemon zest and salt add a whole new dimension to this.

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