Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

thats a clamping

Go on so - although I’m not impressed by this “low fat” lark, your recipes to-date have been consistently good.

I used your first recipe a few weeks back. Couldn’t believe how much better it tastes than the packets you buy in shop. Assume it’s much much healthier also?

Good stuff pal. Should be much better for you, unless you added poor quality tack.

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I hope so :grinning:
Had my first proper bowl this morning, absolutely gorgeous but it takes as long to eat a spoonful as it does to eat two weetabix, serious chewing in it, I never eat between about 7 o clock and lunchtime so I’ll know later how well it ‘works’
Went down well with the kids as well but I think I’ll use it as a topping for their cereal rather than a breakfast in itself.

The ginger is probably a great addition moth, it’s the wrong thread probably but I’ve been treating myself to the odd bottle of bundaberg ginger beer lately. Powerful stuff.

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Simple to make but You’ll want a few ingredients-
2 large onions sliced- 600ml chicken stock - 2 tsp turmeric - 3 cardamom pods - 1 x 2.5cm piece cinnamon stick - 4 black peppercorns - 4 cloves -1 tsp ground coriander - 1 tsp peeled and grated ginger - 1 tsp ground cumin - half tsp chilli powder - 3 garlic cloves crushed - 4 skinless and boneless chicken breasts sliced - 275ml fat free natural yogurt brought to room temperature - Salt -2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves to garnish

Whack the onion and stock (400ml) into a big saucepan, cover and let it boil for 10 minutes… take off lid and reduce heat and let it simmer for 20 more mins until the onions and golden syrupy . Then add all the spices and garlic to the pan and cook for 4 mins – whack in the chicken to coat each side before fucking in the rest of the stock… cover and let it simmer away for 20 mins… scoop out 4 tbs of the sauce and add it to the yogurt, stirring well… then gradually add the yogurt to the curry itself, stirring well again… serve with rie and garnish with coriander. Unreal. Unbelievable.


That’s a very nice recipe pal. :thumbsup:

It’s because of posts like that one that I agree with everything you post.

Should serve 4, pal. Or two hungry cunts.


thats unreal kid, would you have any good recipes for boilt eggs?


:joy: how to boil a spud next

The Emma Louise gang are raging becaue I’m showing the board a whole new way to enjoy their favourite foods. The bitterness is off the charts.

I wouldn’t be a fan of bitter curries.

You’ll enjoy the recipe above so…It’s Emma Louise free.

par boiling chipped spuds before putting salt on them and roasting them is not new :grin:

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Listen, I’m re-inventing how people look at food. If you don’t want to buy in, that’s fine, mate. But you’ve plenty of other threads to occupy you, so do one.

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you are re inventing fuck all kid, simpletons like @Brimmer_Bradley will no doubt lap up another method of boiling shpuds though

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Obsessed isn’t the word. You’ve taken stalking on forums to the next limit.
What do I do to make you leave me alone.

try slinging your hook

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I love the way @tassotti tried to coax @mickee321 and @KinvarasPassion into the “gang” with his lullaby but them boys know the score

@KinvarasPassion & @mickee321 are several grades above them lads. Why would they step down and align themselves with the nonces gang.