Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

The *ELC are fucked @Smark has even stopped rowing in behind them,look out for a couple of rebrands
*Emma Louise Crew


@tassotti was singing you a song yesterday evening to try and lure you into the ELC

I agree with everything those two lads say. I don’t have to back up every point they make, it’s just a given.


what in the name of fuck are those two fools blathering on about? bizarre carry on, whats it in relation to?

I’ve ripped up the rule book and lads are going nuts… it’s a standard response to revolutionary ideas.

We have a fantastic relationship. I’m very relaxed around you and can be myself. The roasters are going mental I have so many great buddies around here whilst the real dregs of the forum are in their group


Massey is still bulling over the kicking we gave him on Saturday

which lad is massey again, the lad shoveling shit down the tunnels is it?

Yeah. Roaring racism at pakis


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Ye’ll have to get yourselves a few jackets made up

go easy on poor tassotti mate,id say living in a bedsit in cricklewood isn’t what he planned for his life. crushing his internet persona will drive him over the edge


@tassotti cannot be crushed. He will just change his persona and come back stronger. He has been doing this metamorphosis for years now.

He is the internet!

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he visited a racecourse that was closed at the weekend to take a photo of its gates.then he posted it up on here.

that’s not normal behaviour.id say even the rest of the ELC are privately worried


the ELC have absolutely no worries about the great man, let that be added to the official record please.

I’m fairly sure it was a pic from Google Images that he downloaded and changed the name of.

That’s even worse

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:smile: @Tassotti is making a holy show of these greenhorns, they are dancing to his tune

I agree. What sort of fool would believe that the man is even based in London these days.