Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Christ- even worse

the only thing we do know for sure is that he lives in a bedsit, is shit at cooking, wears shit jeans and has one plate that he has had since the 90’s


I reckon he’s like @Smark and still lives at home with his elderly parents.

And he knows fuck all about timber floors :flushed:

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Could I get a list of who’s in each gang please?

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I think TSG is worried some of his cronies have strayed to tassottis side of late.
He seems to be in the middle of one of his trademark changes of heart. Could split the forum to its core

ELC = Tassotti, HBV & Applecrumbled

Meself and horsebox I believe, although we both managed a nice post from my bedroom yesterday so we could be brought in from the cold.


you and HB were in your bedroom?

Not a bit surprised at horsearse. Thought @backinatracksuit was a heterosexual though.

@Smark will be livid.

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Are you suggesting he is feeling threatened by @Tassotti?

Very much so. He misses the power their handy likes brought.

This needs a venn diagram


It needs a good fucking punch up. Sort it out for once and for all.
Somewhere around the people’s park. This evening @ 7:00.

Which of them owns @horsebox these days?

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That’s convienient as most of the ELC will be leaving the Railway hotel around then

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backinatracksuit by all accounts

A chart of likes received by @Tassotti and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy should do the trick. @Rocko make it happen

Jeez he’s not here a wet week and he’s stolen your Horsebox :eek:

an utterly horrendous series of 20 odd posts there, all the usual humourless cunts involved as usual making shit of a good thread.

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