Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

That’s unreal.

And a full stick of pudding
I’d ate that with Brennan’s white toast but I’d prefer a bit of runny yolk on the eggs.

No rashers?

@Smark has brought his A-game to this thread. No slow cooked or salad shite, just proper ravenous-beating grub.

Hail hail :clap:

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Six sausages yeah from over a butchers counter, none of that Denny’s stuff here. I ate a few pieces of black pudding from the pan while it was cooking. The pudding was also over the butchers counter. I wasn’t even savage hungry but do you know the way you get a hankering for a nice fry up every now and then?


Unrale. a man has to treat himself every now and then

Didn’t have any in. I’d have put down two or three of them as well if they were there.

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@Smark is making a show of these cunts who’ve been acting the bollox on this thread for a long time.

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This has landed in the house, courtesy of the mother in law. That steak dinner won’t be my last grub of today. This will get a quick death


He’s going to get more likes for his picture than fellas who spent a whole weekend slow roasting and pickling or whatever the fuck they’d be doing

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I hope you enjoy that. It looks fucking lovely. You’ve fucked it all onto the plate there like a man would do and I bet you’ll ate it like a fucking man too. Those little pretentious quares posting about the ‘gorgeous’ fucking cherries they picked up in aldi to decorate a bowl of shitty leaves they burst out of a gas filled plastic bag must feel like right fucking cunts looking at that.


Lads here plan their weeks around the food they can post up in a pic.

@Smark is a gent and a bit of a blow in to this thread in recent times, he obviously hasn’t the bird around this evening,
I always enjoy a fry up far more in the evening than as a breakfast.


I’m the same. Don’t care for fry ups in the mornings as a rule but they are nice sometimes for a change for dinner or supper.

Would you ever eat the pudding uncooked? The good stuff from the butchers is fucking savage straight out of the fridge

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@Fagan_ODowd there enjoying a 7up

That’s a red all day

Dirty stroke alright.

ha ha wrong thread

Ye pricks, it’s not me in the wrong thread at all :joy: And I deleted a grand twee post