Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

nice plates

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Abs are made in the kitchen. Not in a gym. With just a little bit of effort it’s very easy to eat proper wholesome food

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Better than chips soaked in oxtail soup anyway :joy:


Mousey introduced you to the nutribullet mate., his advice changed your life, I think you should listen to your guru on this one

@KinvarasPassion introduced me. He changed my life. I owe him every thing.

mousey is the guru mate, read the threads, you owe everything to him.

you are like Frankenstein now but you can be saved


Sorry, who are you? I haven’t seen you posting around before

im horseboxes BFF

You can FRO if you think you can talk to one of the Fingal clique like that.

That’s a clamping

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Tonight’s dinner, I rarely eat pork so looking forward to this, marinated in chili, garlic soy and ginger, chips are oven cooked using a bit of beef fat I saved on Sunday, very unhealthy no doubt but didn’t use much, peas are from a packet, coleslaw is tesco.
Boring but delicious


nice condiments

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I wouldn’t give that to a dog to be honest with you

And after I was so complimentary about your salmon :disappointed_relieved:

The chips look goid pal

Beef fat makes the best chips,
I saw that James Whelan butchers in Tipp have won a world food award for their dripping, I’d love to get hold of some of that.

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did a lad on the internet tell you that

I think it was Hugh fearnley Whittingstall that turned me onto it years ago. Choco’s idea for beef stock is interesting and I’ll try it some time but I just parboiled those fellas in water before rolling them painstakingly in he bit of beef fat that I had.