Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I’ve been using it in sauces and sandwiches mainly.

Got it in tesco I think, it was a 2 for 1 offer. I got some smokey chipotle one as well, but I didn’t like it all.

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Out of interest, why did you pack them in?

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It’s just not the done thing in Ireland, too many roasters around and it’s more of a challenge to find them. I’ll take them up again, there was no good reason to do with jalopenos themselves that i stopped. They’re great on pizzas or in sandwiches.

Where do you get it, bro?

I got it below in kinsale, it’s apparently well stocked around cork but also available at a lot of food markets and beginning to be stocked in supermarkets. It’s rapid.


I’d be very interested in getting a bottle of that tack, so if you can post a link that would be delightful.

Hottest sauce I’ve ever had was made from Bhut Jolokia peppers. One drop of this shit would practically set fire to an omelette. Took a while to build a tolerance to it, but once I did it was like a high every time I put it in my food. Very interested to see how the Rebel Chilli stacks up. :fire_engine:

Aren’t you based in Limerick pal??
Sorry if I have you mixed up with someone else but if you are then that rebel chili sauce is available in Bobby Byrnes food shop, it is indeed very nice.
Just as an add on, TKMaxx is actually a great place to pick up mind blowingly hot sauces if that’s what you’re in to.

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See the post above this mate, or alternatively, Google.

Rebel chilli have a good range of them with varying heat. The habanero relish though, yes sir.

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Nice one dude

This is a great hot sauce, the lime is a great addition to the normal Franks sauce

Ditto - its a game changer. Far better than the chipotle shite.

Roasters love their dollop of sauce. They pretend they are sophisticated with their chilli and jalopenos. But a roaster never changes.


Go eat a fucking carp.


Go shit in your hat.


tisn’t worth a fuck if you ask me, I found it useless so I did, I got it in teso and had to put a good few drops on a bit of toasted cheese on sourdough to get a kick, I got a bottle of stuff of a Jamaican fella in Brixton, now that shit was the real deal

You’re supposed to use more than a few drops, it’s not a tabasco, it’s a wing sauce but I use it for a lot of other things, wouldn’t bother on a cheese toastie though.
If you have leftover chicken shred it and stir it through the franks sauce, unreal

Friend of mine buys this stuff in from a German website. Supposed to be savage.

+1. All they’ve done is swap out the brown sauce for jalapeño sauce. Tis gas all the same.

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