Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

10 likes in 5 mins @gilgamboa great work.

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This is actually happening right now


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Hard to believe that anybody who read it was able to avoid that little heart,
What are you doing tonight @Tassotti, I’d say the swans would turn up their noses at the burnt bread but the other thing looks interesting.

You’ll need to change the kitchen, pal. None of it matches your beloved plate.

The fuckin state of that roasting pan and the sink top.


The poor bastard lives in a hell hole.

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Tassotti unravelling live on TFK…
A seminal moment.


Did you forget to take the plastic off the one on the right, buddy?

That’s what ‘organic’ bread looks like,

It’s garlic sourdough I think

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That’s unreal. Perfectly crisp.


Its the best burnt bread I’ve ever seen

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It’s probably still frozen inside

What’s with all this low fat craic?

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Just healthy meals, bro, but full of flavour… too much oil in your diet is bad for you. As is too much sugar. As is foods with high fat content.

There’s a myth out there that olive oil is good for you… me bollox…i’ve largely cut it out of my diet.

Like I said, while youre living for now, i’m thinking ten years down the road. The real game changers are all locked into this mindset. Pioneers like Tom Brady and I are tearing up the rule book and starting a revolution.

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The new craic is fat is good for you mate, didn’t you hear?

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I need one of these. It could be a gamechanger for me.

Fat has always been good for you, a certain amount of it that is, pal.