Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Why the need for insults? I’m trying to offer something positive to you. Here I was thinking you’d be in good form today after banging the back door off that brazzer.

Correct me if I’m wrong but apart from the “eggs” department @Tassotti has regressed in the culinary skills.

More importantly, since @Julio_Geordio educated him in the “Half-Bar” issue he’s lost a lot of his customary braggadocio.

Could @Tassotti be in decline…


True but i suppose you just grate me @Mac. Your a terrible sneery prick. You’d turn milk sour you cunt.

You nailed it there I think mate…I’m fond of @Tassotti though…TFK would’nt be half the craic without him. [quote=“Boxtyeater, post:722, topic:22211, full:true”]
Correct me if I’m wrong but apart from the “eggs” department @Tassotti has regressed in the culinary skills.

More importantly, since @Julio_Geordio educated him in the “Half-Bar” issue he’s lost a lot of his customary braggadocio.

Could @Tassotti be in decline…

Between the two of them they could nearly push the boat out and get that Helen Wood wan that’s in the news with the super injunction. She must be ‘unreal’

He made the mistake of showing glimpses of how he lives. It aint pretty

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Some day I dream of cooking breakfast for my TFK mates. I’ll cook the best damn eggs for ye
@Big_Dan_Campbell @KinvarasPassion @Tim_Riggins @Nembo_Kid @Smark @anon32894817 @GeoffreyBoycott @anon7035031 @ironmoth @HBV @carryharry @caoimhaoin @Bandage. I’m probably leaving a few out there sorry imagine the craic and banter we’d have around the table when I am serving them eggs up to you.


“I need validation”


Jesus… I wouldn’t know what to wear :scream:

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Is this breakfast morning meet-up proudly sponsored by Pampers or some other shit catching product?

He had a lovely bit of curranty cake there a while back, it came out of a brown bag and may or may not have been cooked in the toaster, he got the thumbs up from someone but I can’t remember who.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is going around humiliating him on thread after thread with absolutely no come backs.

A flowery shirt,all the rage in London town apparently,you’ll be fightin the birds off ye

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I have 4 of them here wrecking my head lad, last thing I want to see is another flock of them :astonished:


Maybe a Trump Victory Party?

Please remove my name from that list. I do not wish to be associated with the Emma Louise faction in any way, shape or form and I especially want nothing to do with that pants shitting dullard.

I fully stand beside my e-friend and comrade in the Fingal Clique @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


7 a side soccer is next Thursday at Portmarnock leisure centre at 8pm. Don’t be late.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has always been the daddy around here, pal.

I’m home alone this weekend, guys. So feel free to pop into Angelina’s to join me for brunch. There’s a shit load going on in this French toast and it’s got a shit load of calories too. But I really opened my legs during my 5km run last night and promised myself a Sunday brunch treat as a result.


I’ve thanked it but I’m not 100%
What’s the sausage lookalike on the French toast