Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

It’s grilled banana, pal. There’s a salted maple caramel syrup type thingy on it. Then there’s loads of berries and a nutella sauce yokey floating around too.

Sounds fantastic. Did you order a plate of sausages as well or what?

I’m doing my speciality thai chicken curry today, unfortunately I’ll be using a shop bought paste but everything else will be prepared fresh, just finished a marathon prep of the garlic, ginger, shallots, have a load of baby spuds steamed and ready to go, chicken thighs taken off the bone.
Might chance a photo later but I fear it tastes an awful lot better than it looks and the bold boys might make smart comments about it. :cry:

Yes. :laughing:

Thai green curry, nearly ready, lime juice and fish sauce to go in :ok_hand:


Unreal. The green curry is generally the hottest is that right? Yellow the mildest?

Not necessarily, that would alwYs be the case in Thailand but there’s little difference in heat between shop bought pastes here in my experience, it may depend on how much of the paste you use and whether or not you use additional chilies.
In the past I’ve ground a green paste quite a lot, today’s ws shop bought but very good indeed, plenty left for tomorrow so the missus won’t have to cook,
If I could give one tip to enhance even a mediocre Thai curry it is to go way over the top with the lime juice (and use a little bit of Palm sugar)


That looks savage.

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Looks gorgeous. Must be about 2000 calories in that though

Indeed. Very filling. I’ve only had a banana today since.

I had their pancakes a few weeks ago and it was similarly very good with an absolute rake of calories too.

Processed wholemeal bread, real butter, chicken from yesterday’s dinner, lettuce, ham & cheese. Topped with scallions and a dollop of mayo. Washed down with a cup of tae.
Gentlemen, I give you, the Roaster!


Ballycotton 10 mug given pride of place,
Can’t tell if it’s a nice oak table or a veneer,
Nice sandwich but I’ve just watched a recording of that ‘What are you eating’ show, didn’t ever hardly eat it anyway but the missus won’t have a sliced pan in the house for a while I’d say :disappointed:

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Young kids, shite veneer all the way. I imagine the bread will be stuck in my gut somewhat like how chewing gum was described would be by our parents as a warning to us if we didn’t spit it out. Still though, worth it

Super healthy spag bol yesterday. Super healthy low fat lentil curry tonight.

Just had a square of 80℅ dark chocolate and I’m feeling guilty now.

Had 5 low fat pint bottles of cider last evening as well as some low fat chips and chicken goujons. I’ll have to be very disciplined now for the next few weeks in order to attain some goals I’ve set for myself.

One with Regional.


How many times have you posted that picture now?

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Don’t give up. You will get there eventually.

Unrealable scenes here as a the nutri bullet steps in to make incredible pasta sauce.

Rakes of tomatoes in a pan, a few cloves of garlic, chicken, bacon, mushrooms, herbs, seasoning, oil -into the oven.

When that came out the tomatoes, garlic and all the juice in the bottom of the pan went into the nutri bullet, plus basil, cashew nuts, feta and Parmesan. Meantime cooked pasta and spinach. Added the sauce and chopped up chicken and bacon and roast mushrooms.
