Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Uh oh. Cheap and nasty worktop there

Stop embarrassing yourself


Is that your pizza?

And this is your pisspot?

Lovely grub here

Veg looks great pal. Whats on the faggity plate?

First BBQ of the season there.
I bought myself a cheap new handy sized one for when it’s only the two of us eating. The other charcoal one is too big.

A grand feed of chicken breast burgers, ribs and wedges. Washed down at a couple of bottles of Pilsner Urquell. Bliss.


How’d you do the ribs, not an easy thing to get right on a bbq, very difficult to make them fall off the bone like they should.
My own bbq developed a leak in the cover over winter, it’s fucked. Any recommendations for a new one. 4 kids so it’s got to be a decent enough size.

I don’t entertain gas BBQs , charcoal only.
I did the ribs in the oven on lowish heat for around mins, then onto the BBQ for around 15 mins. They weren’t falling off the bone, but were decent.

That’s a lovely worktop pal. Must have set you back a pretty penny.

If you like cooking with charcoal, get yourself an oval Kamado. The big green eggTM is the flagship but there are cheaper options. The ceramic body and lid allow you basically do everything from smoking to baking or roasting, most of them go from 200F to 800F. Amazing yokes and are virtually indestructible.

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You get overly excited about the most inane things

I’m not in the slightest excited by you so can’t be true.


Thank christ for that

Jesus, he’s getting an awful clamping these days. Art made shit of him yesterday too.

Ah that was brilliant so it was. Every time the little rodent tries to have a go at us he gets sent home with tea in his mug


Roaster alert

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