Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

They sound savage. Wish we had them here.

probably in around 5 years, like everything else ye copy from us

Do ye have the think over there tassoti where you can just hover your debit card over the machine and it pays for your shopping? Tis unrale

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we had that 10 years ago, I see it only came into Ireland there last year, has 3g phone coverage arrived yet, we are on 4g here already

I thought as much ye probably invented it.

We only have 3 G on astro turf pitches so far it’s not gone into the phones yet

a very backward country, no wonder that web summit was the laughing stock of London c ity aamongst the ex pats, they couldn’t even organise a bit of wifi

Is a London Web summit good?

You arent an ex pat mate

More like a runaway

Finishing off a nice vegetable curry here.


thats a lovely looking curry

It was absolutely beautiful. Nice bit of basmati to go with it.

its fair to say you know your way around a kitchen, you have a lovely way of carrying yourself I’d say

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If I didn’t have such gammy legs I’d say I could have been a professional chef.


you are very well balanced I’d say all the same, I can see it in the the texture of the curry

What way do you enter a room?



Lovely bit of grilled red hake and tiger prawns with grilled veggies just there. Washed down with a pint of San Miguel…i might get a scoop of ice cream for afters.


