Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I get what @Steven_Naimsith is saying re: slow cooking on the BBQ but you can also cook your burgers in 15 minutes, steaks etc.

Re: heating it, getting it going, it doesn’t take half as long as people make out.
Get yourself a charcoal chimney, your coals will be hot in 10/15 minutes and you’d be cooking within 25 minutes. It literally only takes 2 minutes to setup the chimney and then transfer the coals in the BBQ.

The lads who are saying it takes them ages to light a charcoal bbq must be a bit simple.

Cooked my dinner on a Weber kettle barbecue last night. Used bags of instant lighting charcoal. It’s a grand way to cook a small amount of food. I have a gas grill then if I’m cooking larger amounts. The charcoal only stays hot enough for a relatively short period to cook through burgers etc, that’s the issue with it. No doubt you get a nicer finish with it though.

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Does anyone have a Big Green Egg?

Can it be used for barbecuing along with smoking?

The green egg is a fantastic looking piece of kit but you’d be off your head to buy one. I was gifted one about 4 years ago. It’s for a Sabbath bbq, where you stoke it up and leave it be more or less for a big lump of mate or a chicken while you ducking in and out of the rain keeping an eye on coals all day. A mugs game. It does a fantastic job but it’s a pure vanity item. I’ve used it no more than 5 times and haven’t taken it out in 3 years. I’ll hardly use it this year either as it just doesn’t do it for me. I couldn’t be arsed with it as iv no one left I need to impress.
If I had my time again I’d have tried to get it swapped for one of those pig spit yoke. At least that’s a real statement when you have people round you are trying to impress.

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You are supposed to wait for the coals to burn out before cooking lads, please don’t tell me you hillbillies are lobbing mate into red hot coals?

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Coals? Most of em are cooking it over their gas hob ffs.

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Mouse, you are most likely cooking on a 4.99 instant shoplifted from Tesco

It’s a hell of a lot better than @Fitzy grilling his bangers over his kitchen stove and telling the world he is a master BBQ-er.



I have a milestone birthday later this year and my significant other is looking for gift ideas. I have most things that I want but I wouldn’t mind something like the Big Green Egg and do some smoking on it or a proper sausage maker or pasta maker as I would never buy such a thing for myself but could see myself using them if i had them

If it’s between those 3 go for the Big Green Egg, but they are ferociously expensive for the amount of use you’d get out of one.

If you use a charcoal chimney it condenses the coals and ensures they go white much more quickly.

What kind of outlay are you looking at for a proper charcoal bbq and burner to meet your spec?

( I have a simple gas grill for steaks, skewers & sausages)

You want Charcoal and a burner?

You’d pick up a decent enough charcoal bbq for around 100, but it depends on how much you plan on cooking at any one time. I bought a big-ish charcoal bbq last summer, but found it a bit wasteful on charcoal to use if only cooking for 2, so I bought a smaller one for €40 to use on midweek evenings when I’m just throwing on a few things.

Chimney/burner or whatever it is you are recommending?

A webber charcoal chimney is only about €20 in B&Q.

Looks something like this:



Pay attention lads, thats what you call a gamechanger.

Please refer to my patented indirect heat method for steaks, somewhere in this thread.
The point I’m making is that I use my gas BBQ about 40-50 times a year. How often are you lads bbq’ing / grilling / whatever the fuck. It would be ridiculous to do so with a charcoal bbq, too much work.

Sure you’d be 25 mins preheating the oven inside

Cooked a Spaghetti Ai Gamberi last night. Seriously tasty fare…


Looks great, love how you got the organic onions in the shot :grinning:
I’ve forgotten whether you were based in the US or not mate? That dish would be amazing if not a lot more expensive with Dublin Bay Prawns, those king prawns can be quite rubbery even given the best attention.