Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

all that grilled food can’t be good for you @Fitzy

Thanks mate. It went down a treat. That’s a very large serving platter, so there was enough there for 4 adults and 2 kids. Took about 10 - 15 mins from start to finish. And the prawns were perfect :thumbsup:

@fisty is right. Normal people don’t have time to be lightjng coals and letting them burn out before cooking a few sausages for their kids on a Tuesday evening.

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@fitzy, do you use lava rocks for the gas BBQ? Also, for slow cooking meat in a gas BBQ all you need is to get BBQ woodchips, preferably soak them in booze, and make a smoker.

I use my gas hob about 350 times a year.


100% correct

I fucking hate BBQs

Which type?


Every last one of them

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The missus is doing this nice looking tomato and goats cheese tart for dinner, nice salad alongside it, quite looking forward.


Dunnes are now selling this beauty, this will be a game changer for roast veg and potato lovers. Apparently it’s amazing on bread also :grinning:

just after a lovely sea food chowder there. Now for 10 pints of Heineken.


I have a few fish fingers and a few spuds on the go here

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Did you make the chowder yourself??
I’ve been tucking into that Rene Cusack chowder a fair bit in the last week or so.


Dinner thrown together in a rush this evening: rib eye steak, two fried eggs, half an avocado, roast broccoli with manchego, and a slap of habanero relish.

That looks savage. You’ve a great way with fish fingers. They almost look like a real hand.


I’m going back to basics, proper home Irish style cooking

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That’s a lovely looking plate of grub kid.

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No I did not. I wouldn’t no how to cook it at all. I love it do and must learn. During college I used to get it in aldi. It was surprisingly nice.