Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread



Those eggs look great, it’s not difficult to cook eggs well but you’d see it rarely enough on here.

Ah I get it alright, I remember doing that job with your man over a couple of days like this one, fuckin broke our backs with the big ones, there’s three large steps to the left as well, only to get jip on here five years later for a bit of loose grout :cry:

you big girl.

That has me hungry now so it does.

:rollseyes: you could ate nothin better

What’s that, chief?

Banana pancakes. Some oats and chia seeds in these ones too.

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I could and I do… I very rarely eat pancakes… princess makes something like that every other day, I wouldn’t touch them… you’ve an awful girly sweet tooth is all… even with your savoury dishes, you’re always acting the cunt and trying to sweeten them up. @TreatyStones’ effort a couple of posts back pisses all over your shite.

There’s so much unnecessary conflict in the world and on TFK.

I’ve liked both @TreatyStones and @glasagusban 's breakfast efforts.

Peace be with you all.

with all due respect, when I want dietary advice from a fat cunt with a supermacs loyalty card, I’ll ask you.

There is no Supermacs on the south-side of Cork, mate… and I wasn’t giving you advise, I was just telling you that you have a fanny, no need to get so touchy.

You’re awful moody this morning. Is it that time of the month or something?

It must be with the sweet cravings he is having…

The highs and lows he gets from all that sugar must be messing him around. You’d almost feel sorry for him

His blood sugar levels are all over the place, I can see it in his posting

@Mac - he is talking about himself here now… This is worrying.

Bitches be crazy

Unreal presentation. You got it to look like a smiley face. That sort of skill is only gained from years of practice.