Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Did you drink the gravy out of the jug like @tassotti


First BBQ of the year here today. Butterflied a chicken and marinated it for a few hours before throwing it on the grill for 35 mins. Turned out lovely, the legs were the best part. It was too cold to eat it outside unfortunately.


Did you shove a can of budwieser up its hole,fairly nippy out this evening alright

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I was in the Asian street food place across from the Hurlers today and it was unreal, unbelievable. Will be back there again soon. You get a free Mr Whippy ice-cream and all after. Lovely touch I thought. I had the pad Thai chicken and prawn. I counted six Asian chefs cooking in the kitchen, its open plan back there so you can see what’s going on. I bloody love that. The Hurlers was looking resplendent when I came out and I felt it was calling me to go in for a pint, but I’d been out a few hours at this point and felt I should go home and check if there were any celeb spots to adjudicate. Responsibilies come first.


Savage dedication, they/we are lucky to have you, I’m sure you’ve nothing to fear from any potential vote. (I’ve just now spotted a very fair reply you made to my last (frankly pointless) spot.)
Same people as have Kaya in town, I had a takeaway from Kaya last week, a very nice lamb rendang.
Have you been to Khing Thai yet, it’s the pick of the thais in Limerick.

No I’ve not been in Khing Thai, heard its good alright. I love Thai food and it seems to have really taken off lately. There must be 5-6 Thai options in Limerick now whereas 5-10yrs ago I didn’t know of one? This place in Castletroy was doing a strong trade. Takeaway more popular than sit down it seemed, while I was there anyway. I really thought it was top class, great bang for your buck. Are you sure they’re the same people own the place in town because I googled them lately and they said they have one other restaurant and its in Galway. It was very professional, six Asian chefs in the kitchen all in the chef hats and what have you.

Slow roast shoulder of lamb, roast potatoes, Savoy cabbage, braised leeks, roast and fondant turnips.


I doubted myself for a minute but then checked the menus and they’re identical, they’re opening in Raheen as well, suppose they are only using the Lana Name in Castletroy and Galway.
Thai Gourmet has been around for years but it was always terrible.
I love thai food as well, spent three months there ten years ago and totally immersed myself in the grub.

Had a bit of sausage casserole for my tea. Twas noble

Was there myself unreal place. Best food I ate there was in Koh Lanta but also had lovely grub in Chiang Mai. I found it very hard get anything nice in Bangkok. I found Bangkok to be a bit of a dump for the most part but north or right down south is lovely. I had a green curry in Koh Lanta that nearly blew my head off. Did you travel round a lot?

Did a beef casserole earlier in the slow cooker. Over half a bottle of red wine in it. Funking delicious.

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Ya, we did the typical backpacker thing, Chang Mai, Chang Rai and a few islands, I thought the streetfood in Bangkok was decent, I used to go to the same guy off the Koh San Road for mind blowing tom yum soup every day,
most memorable meal was made by our trek guide up around changmai using ingredients that he got from the local tribe we were camping with, watched him grind the pastes for three different curries, he cooked while we played that football tennis game they love so much with the locals, unreal.


You have to eat on the street in Bangkok… Anywhere else might kill you…Vietnam and the rest of the region were poor in comparison to Thailand. Saying that, tis great getting bread in Vietnam after 2 months of rie and noodle…fried egg baguette with coffee your average hotel breakfast in Vietnam, unreal.

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Throw up the recipe there, I have a fine pack of sausages in the fridge that were supposed to be for brunch this morning but only got home at 10 this morning and was in too much of a hoop to cook them then.

Lovely prawn linguine tonight…stewed rubarb and custard for pudding.

I never got to Chang Rai, is it decent? Chiang Mai is some place isn’t it? Only bit of street food I used to get in Bangkok was this lovely, cool red fruit that was popular there. Was like a melon but red. I used to get breakfast too most mornings off the same stall down the road from where I was staying. 40 baht it was = €1. It was a sort of soup that looked like porridge and they’d bust two eggs into it and then throw these white meat balls that I initially assumed were chicken but then figured was pork. The meat looked all kinds of wrong but tasted lovely. And then you could keep adding as much noodles as you wanted and paprika to the bowl. Unreal value. You need to be fierce careful what stalls you eat from though. This place used to he thronged with locals which I felt was a good sign.

I packed it out with veg.

Button mushrooms
2 carrots
Tin of tomatoes
One large onion
Two red onions
Yellow pepper
Half a glass of red wine
Can of tinned tomatoes
Can of mixed beans (kidney, chickpeas etc)
Two cloves of garlic
Bacon lardons
Baby potatoes

Half of the onions and mushrooms into the food processer. Along with the red wine and tinned tomatoes. Brown the sausages, garlic and lardons in a pan. Add the mushrooms, onions, peppers and beans to a casserole dish along with the garlic and meat then add the tomatoe base.

Leave in a 160c over for around 90 minutes to 2 hours. Add the potatoes half way


Your easily the best contributer here

Way to go, girlfriend!

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Thanks but i think you are.