Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I had the same experience in Vientaine in Laos, I was crippled with diarrhoea for a few days, I had been going completely overboard eating curries and volcanic soups in Thailand, never realised the French had such an influence on Laos and Vietnamese cuisine, I had some of the nicest sandwiches I had ever tasted in Laos, quickly recovered and went back to the proper grub though.

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That sounds unreal

Lolz…same as…had dysentery in Laos…5 years he wore that watch, up his ass…he died of Dysentery.

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I actually did have a fried egg sandwich earlier. Eggs out from under my mother’s hens this morning in a floury bap. Also threw couple slices smoked pancetta on pan for a minute and added them in.

Lovely little snack. Id have ate 3/4 of em if was at home alone

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Fried egg sandwiches are a great hangover preventer.

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There are three or four different crowds doing exact same in Cork city. Asian food free cone etc. All ripping off Neon in Dublin which was the trailblazer.

Absolutely smashing grub though. Love it. Japanese udon noodles are my favourite with chicken tofu and prawns. I like to think it’s healthy enough as well ( don’t burst my bubble if it’s not please)

I have a regular celeb spot in one of them but I wouldn’t waste your time with it tbh

Where did you get the delph rocko ?
I like it. Sometimes I cook lovely stuff but because the lads would ridicule my delph id be cautious of posting pics up.
The cunts.


I ate in Yamamori (the one on the quays) last week at lunch time. Normally I’d sit at a table or one of the long benches, but I asked to sit at the counter overlooking the kitchen. Delighted I did - it was like being in the studio audience at a cookery show.

A fairly tight space they have to work in, but those 5 chefs / sous-chefs went about their business with a level of skill and professionalism that was inspiring. No manic shouting. No headless chickens. No fuck ups. They were all on the same page, working in unison.

The head chef had 3 woks going, each one with a different main course while I was watching him. He had all his sauces and spices laid out and was using a stainless steel wok ladle with a huge wooden handle to add them to the cooking. He had a very ‘wristy’ way about him. If he was a hurler, I’d imagine he’d be very strong in the pull - the sort of fella that would leave you with 7 or 8 inches of hurl after a tussle.

Anyway, needless to say the food was top-notch. I had a bento box with black pearl rice and a miso soup. The waitress was explaining to me that this rice is a superfood because it is high in antioxidants and low in gluten. It had a lovely nutty taste and went very well with the soup. I’d highly recommend this spot for lunch.


A lovely pork chop from RNLI/Higgins.


Looks a fine size, Fagan.

That looks like an unreal pork chop

My wife can’t eat pork, seems to think it makes her sick, for that reason I eat pork chops so rarely that they are like lobster to me, that looks decent Fagan, what did you have it with? I used to cook pork chops with a caramelised onion and apple combo, unreal, in fact I’ll try to do it someday soon and do something else handy for the wife and kids

The size of Noel Skehans bas.



Kept it simple. Bit of mash and broccoli. The meat was so good it didn’t need adornment.

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That’s unreal

That’s what you get with a good butcher. The poxy little pork chops you get in a supermarket are an embarrassment to the victualling profession.


I’ll be getting 10 chops vacuum packed from Michael hynes tomorrow morning to bring back to the UK

How many sittings will you eat them in?

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That’s top class. Did you ate the fat n all I hope you did you had it crisped up lovely.

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