Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Mortons of Galway for the wine. As for the moussse…

It’s a vegan recipe, I guess. Pulled straight from a River Cottage book. @glasagusban, I should have added that the mousse is best scooped into small serving dishes, or even glasses like I used - I got 4 portions. I put a small square of clingfilm down tight against the mousse to create a fairly airtight seal, then into the fridge for 1 hour. Hugh also recommends serving it with honeyed strawberries. 200g strawberries (halved), 1 tablespoon runny honey, juice of half a lime. Put them into a dish and mix gently then let sit for 30 mins. Before serving, spoon the strawberries on top of the chocolate and drizzle with the sweet juices. It’s a cracking little pudding and is made in 10 mins.


That’s a fairly wobbly looking bbq buddy but at least you’re using charcoal,did ye put any woodchips on it

?what kind of oddball makes mousse?

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That Limerick/Cork lad, @chocolatemousse.

‘Rhetorical Questions’! I used to play this when I was a kid. Ok, my turn now:

“Why are you a cunt?”


I did, I had a pack of jack Daniels wood chips in my shed for years, did the job.
Wobbly me arse, that patio is as level as fuck. :rage:

Where’d ya get that goat bacon? And did you prepare and cook the tongue yourself, my nana made it all the time, my mates used to think it was a revolting thought but it is beautiful meat.

This photo has been up 16 hours now and nobody has commented that I had the cooking grate on upside down, actually it was the missus fault :flushed: but I expected more from the eagle eyes.

The charcoal bbq is going quite well, the chimney starter has been a God send, next time we get a blast of decent weather I’m going to try proper barbeque, it’s been grilling all the way up to now.

I think you’ve greatly overestimated how much people give a fuck about your cooking, shitty patio notwithstanding.


Thanks pal, you’ve got a way with words, :cry:

Sorry, I’m just fully focused on the Job in hand (beating france) today and think we all should be.

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I’m with you, probably just trying to distract myself. I’ve a little bit of work to do this morning so have the laptop open. My poor patio never gets a break here though :disappointed_relieved:

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You’ve got it all wrong. Your patio is now part of tfk lore. It’s up there with @bandage 's balcony, @Mac’s hook nose, @artfoley’s slaphead, @Brimmer_Bradley’s work ethic, @hbv’s acne, @Tassotti’s plate and the @RNLI. It probably doesn’t warrant that status but it’s been a slow week for abuse with everyone so focused on the football.

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Ahhh. Don’t you mean Brimmers ‘positive work-life balance’.


@backinatracksuit has made it

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This is appropriate at last :grin:



Chicken and chorizo stew topped with spring onion, and chopped herbs lemon garlic and oil, and a bit of sweet potato.


Lovely, I’m doing a seafood pasta as we speak.

Here it is, loads of lemon juice, white wine, cream, mixed seafood, prawns and some scallops, some stem broccoli and carrots as well


Where did you get goat? It’s fantastic meat…