Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

It was delicious. It came from these guys:


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Lovely bit of lobster there tonight.


Even the noble lobster isn’t safe from the ubiquitous side of chips.

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Lovelychips too. Not a drop of oil on them. Baked I’d say rather than fried.

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Spanish omelette for breakfast here


baked organic sussex eggs
Italian herb and garlic organic sausages
organic baked tomato with oregano
Wiltshire black organic pudding

organic Parisian bread

glass of moet

this is what it is like to live in a proper country making a success of yourself


Yet so very sad, no matter how much you bore the shit out of me with your repetitive made up prejudice and fantasy life it’s always the vision of your table set for one and the AM drinking usually only seen outside a wet hostel that leads me to feel real pity for you.
Good luck fella, I hope you find the strength to leave the rental accommodation today, just to get some fresh air even. :cry:


go back to your scrambled eggs and tackies mate, this is a thread for proper food and successful people, I love the way it drives you ape that I am far richer than you :joy:

Indeed, your riches are regularly on display. We’ve all seen them.

how much money have you in the bank? how much cash do you keep in the house?

I’m a millionaire many times over mate.


you can’t even afford a glass of champagne for your breakfast mate :joy:

My God, it’s harder and harder to believe that you were ever anything.
Is this level of rattled achieved often?

How would you make that

Slice leftover potatoes, season and fry them in butter with some onion, pour in six eggs and some ham (ingredients are up to yourself but a traditional Spanish omelette is only egg, potato and onion. cook on a low heat for a long time, put a little cheese on top and finish under the grill.
It is delicious served cold.

Sound. Sounds simple and good use for leftovers. When you say cook low for long time, is that just leave frying pan on hob?

Yes, on a low heat, don’t touch it for the first 7 or 8 minutes, that will give you a nice solid and slightly caramelised base, then lift the edges so the runny middle can find an edge, couldn’t be easier and yes you can use almost anything.

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I’m sure it’s tasty, but what you’re describing is a blend of an Italian frittata and a Spanish tortilla. A tortilla doesn’t have cheese and doesn’t go in the oven or under the grill. The way the Spanish do it is after the potatoes and onions are cooked, you mix the eggs in a bowl and add the spuds/onion and mix. Then you add it all back to the skillet (hot initially to set the eggs quickly) and as you say cook over low heat for about 8 minutes. Now comes the tricky part, put a plate over the skillet and flip the tortilla over and cook for another 5 minutes - I have dumped one on the ground during this step, but its worth it as you end up with a beautiful looking and tasting final product.

It’s all true, I called it a Spanish omelette because it was mainly potatoes and eggs, I know the Spanish in particular are quite fussy about what can and can’t be describes as such. I have done it that way but I find it easier and equally tasty to finish under the grill.

Leave @Tassotti alone, he has been very successful.

Not too long ago he was a lowly building site labourer. He has now been promoted to the job of “Mortar Technician”.

We can all aspire to be as successful as @Tassotti
