Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

They don’t necessarily use onion either, and sometimes use garlic too, varies according to region and to taste. Sometimes then they’ll top it with ham and cheese or tuna or tomato and cook a very thin omelette and lay that over the top again.

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Pizza for dinner today



Throw up a recipe when you’re done mate if you get a chance

I always use this recipe for the dough, it’s the best I’ve done and simple

The tomato sauce will do for a fair few dinners over the next few weeks, I’ll freeze it in small batches,
Loads of garlic sliced thinly and fried for a few minutes, one red onion added for a couple of minutes,
Add a jar of passata, loads of peeled ripe tomatoes, loads of basil, various dried herbs, oregano, thyme pinch of salt, pinch of sugar, anchovies (optional obviously), bring to a bubble and let it simmer for a couple of hours, add a good splash of good balsamic vinegar and blitz.
I added a pierced chili at the start but I’ll take that out before blitzing.




Incorrect pal, he is now a project manager on about £80k doing 3 hours a day. He really has come full circle.

Serious gym session today… Walked out the door to Brendan’s Burritos… Got the breakfast one… Two eggs scrambled, beans and rice, salsa, guacamole, jalapenos, cheese. Unreal. Washed down with a chocolate protein and creatine shake.

Tomato sauce
Red onion.

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concy will be posting up his “famous” beans on toast recipe next

The lad who is in Blackrock village market on Sundays?? I met him there one day when he was just starting out, his first week I think, seems like he’s been doing quite well, decent product.

This chap is having pizza tonight. Yummy. He seems to be spending half the day making it and the other half telling everyone about it.


a few oven chips on the side and then telling everyone on here for a half an hour about how “the eldest” loved it :laughing:

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He sold it on and returned to states/Canada…Got good money for it. It’s in Douglas on Saturday and still in Blackrock Sunday.

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Proper home chips here.

@HBV and @Tassotti, I’m genuinely smiling typing this, what is it with ye’re obsession with me on here. It’s becoming a bit ridiculous and shows ye up to be the sad cases ye are. Either way it gives me great satisfaction to see that I’ve made such an impression.
As you bore everybody by telling them all the time, I am a great father :grinning:, my kids love pizza and tomato sauce based dishes, I’d rather they ate something a bit healthier than a Chicago town or dolmio from a jar. I have time today because the weather is all over the place so I’m making a big batch of it to last a few weeks. They’ll also have a hoot later on when they get to make their own pizza.

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Where are you tonight, looks fairly old school.